Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cutting my hair does what?

Okay, so I went to the salon and told the lady I only wanted the dead ends cut off. She cute like 2 inches off of my hair, claiming it was all damaged. "Don't worry," she said, "your hair will grow a lot faster now!". So my question is this: how does cutting the ends off of your hair help it grow faster if your hair grows from the top? Is that a true statement? Help me understand this.

Cutting my hair does what?

Removing the damaged ends does make the hair seem to grow faster. Yes, all hair is dead, but by dead ends she meant dry, split, or not healthy. (the hair that is beyond repair). When your ends get dry and split it's also breaking off at a faster rate at the ends then it should, so as it grows from the root, it's breaking at the bottom making the hair seem to grow slower or remain the same length. Once your ends are healthy they wont break off so you will actually be adding length as the hair grows from the root.

Cutting my hair does what? us understand this

Cutting my hair does what?

Not true. I grows at a certain rate regardless of trimming it.

Cutting my hair does what?

well I dnt actually no bt My Biology Teacher says that all ur hair is dead to begin with!!!!!!

Cutting my hair does what?

that is just something hairstylist tell you so that you will come back more often. hair olny grows when you stop cutting it. Good thing she got all the damaged parts off though.

Cutting my hair does what?

Yes, that is a true statement. She cut off the damaged parts so that all of it is healthy. Healthy hair grows a lot faster than unhealthy hair [trust me, I had 6 inches cut off and it grew amazingly!]

Cutting my hair does what?

healthier hair grows faster and 2 inches is normal for a trim, anything less wouldn't do anything and all hair is damaged at the ends! She was 100% right!

Cutting my hair does what?

An OLD wives' tale! She should either find a new profession, stop talking to clients or she said that thinking YOU would believe other words, she thinks you are stupid. Find another hairdresser.

Cutting my hair does what?

well your hair cant grow if the ends are damaged because they just keep breaking off continually making it seem as if your hair is not growing duh!

Cutting my hair does what?

It is not a true statement. What actually happens is, if you do not cut the damaged hair, it will continue to break and split. Cutting this off, allows your hair to grow back healthy.

Cutting my hair does what?

I've always wondered this too. However, the only thing I can think of is that with dead ends, your hair is putting more nutrients into trying to make those dead ends better instead of into making your hair grow. Cutting the dead ends off gives your hair more nutirents to put into growing hair.

Cutting my hair does what?

Hair grows x amount of centimeters depending on the person monthly. It certainly makes it look healthier but it's an old wives tale.

You can get it to grow a little faster if you take vitamins like flax seen and biotin. I have noticed a difference in the growth rate taking these two vitamins. How I can tell is how much more often I have to color my hair when I'm on them lol.

Cutting my hair does what?

It will grow faster because it will be healthier and healthier hair grows faster.

You got your split ends cutt off, if you wouldn't have got them cut off your ends what if kept splitting instead of actually growing, now that you have healthy hair it will grow nice, long and HEALTHY?



Cutting my hair does what?

By cutting the dead ends off of your hair you let the nutrients that the dead ends are taking stay in the health parts of your hair.

Cutting my hair does what?

Your hair dresser is likely a witch, someone who practices wicca, she put a spell on your hair to make it grow faster. It has nothing to do with the fact that it was cut. So you must return to her as she has a lot of your hair and she can cast an evil spell apon you whenever you show up late for a scheduled appointment or give her an insufficient tip.

Glad I could help you out.

Cutting my hair does what?

It does have SOME truth to it. Getting rid of dead ends and damaged hair helps because the damage can spread to the rest of your hair and slow it down is all. It really just makes it look better when you cut it off, so I don't know.

You can increase the growth of your hair by using a shampoo that fortifies your hair and makes it stronger. When you shampoo your hair massage your head it increases blood flow which will help nutirents get to your hair. Also vitamins can help make your hair grow faster, and look healthier!

Cutting my hair does what?

Absolutly it helps! You hair is constantly growing but when you have dead or split ends your hair just breaks away and doesn't look like it is growing. Once you cut the dead/ split ends off when your hair grows you can actually tell because it isn't always breaking off.

Cutting my hair does what?

even though the roots are the only living parts but inorder for ur hair to be healthy, look fresh, and natural u mus have a cut or a trim ever 4-6 months

Cutting my hair does what?

Well, i never really understood that myself, but, if you want your hair to look alive and beautiful, then you would want the dead ends cut off. I dont think that cutting the dead ends help the hair grow, it helps keep your hair alive and not so dull. Keeping your hair groomed and clean will help your hair grow.

Cutting my hair does what?

its a true statement, split ends continue to split up and damage healty hair, therefore stopping growth and killing your hair, cutting them off allows your hair to continue to grow healthy, it will grow back, mine did and I cut off like 5 inches of hair and it all grew back in no time.

Cutting my hair does what?

Cutting off all the damaged hair will help it grow faster and look better, because there should not be so many split ends.

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