Thursday, November 19, 2009

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

simple. you can't. sorry o.o;;

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

try baby oil or veg oil and comb gently from bottom to top and may take awhile but if you want them out it will be worth in baby oil in a spray bottle works the best.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

i dunno i thought there was no other way and you had to shave your head..

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

it depends on whether they're done right or not - if they've been done right, you still have a chance to entangle them, if not, you have to cut them ....

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

U cant! u should have researched that b4 u got the dread locks.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

Try this website. It says that it will take a long time but they can be removed. Good luck. Sounds like a long process.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

You can't get dreads out of your hair without cutting them out. Now if your hair is simply tangled then you can try a conditioner and attempt to comb through it... but more than likely you will have to cut it. Hair grows back so try not to be too upset about it. Good luck

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

Well what is it that you have? Dreads you have to cut. Wadded tangles can be carefully combed out with baby oil and conditioner mixed together. AND a lot of patience. Good luck.

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