Saturday, November 14, 2009

Cutting bleached hair.?

I lost a bet, and I have to bleach my hair for a day. If I cut my hair the day after, will it continue to grow as my normal hair color? What about if I dye it? I have dark brown hair.

Cutting bleached hair.?

Whether you cut your hair or not your natural shade will grow back. I would not however recommend attempting to dye the hair back to it's normal color at home after bleaching. I bleached my hair at one time, tried to put a dark brown dye on it (and I followed all instructions and even left the color on a little longer than instructed), and what resulted was an odd mix of the bleached shade and the brown that could best be described as dark grey. I finally had to buy a natural black color (my hair is black naturally anyway so it wasn't a big deal) that covered it, but because of the bleach underneath the color began to fade within a week or two. If you're going to bleach your hair, plan on getting a professional to fix it because no do-at-home haircolor in any shade short of jet black is going to completely cover it. It's very damaging to color your hair right after bleaching it anyway.

Cutting bleached hair.?

you can dye it back, be carefuk

Cutting bleached hair.?

If you cut your hair, the hair that grows out of your head will be your natural hair color.

Cutting bleached hair.?

no matter what your hair color is if you cut it all off its gonna grow back your natural color. you can color it green and cut it off and it will grow back the way it was before

Cutting bleached hair.?

it will grow back your natural color. the only thing the bleach will affect is the hair that has already grown. just be careful if you bleach your hair at home cuz it can burn on your scalp if you use really strong developer and you can blister, i would definately recommend a proffesional do it. but either way it will grow back normal as though you had never done anything to it

Cutting bleached hair.?

yes your hair will grow back it's natural color even if you bleach or dye it, but do be careful with bleach... good luck =)

Cutting bleached hair.?

Yes, it will continue to grow as your normal hair color.I wouldn't color it on top of that, because you're going to end up with very damaged hair.I would suggest that you keep getting it cut about every 2 weeks and the shorter the better.That way you'll get rid of it faster.

Cutting bleached hair.?

the bleached hairs do not loose their color...

u can only get rid of them by cutting them very small.

the next phase of hairs will be a normal(dark brown) color hairs.

Pls Do not Dye.



you can only get rid of the bleached hairs by cutting them off.

Cutting bleached hair.?

Bleach it, then the next day, dye it back to dark brown. No body will be able to tell that you bleached your hair the day before.

Cutting bleached hair.?

You can dye it back to dark brown,you won't have to cut it.

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