Thursday, November 12, 2009

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

I don't have lice but just in case.

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

buy a lice killing shampoo and then pull the ice out after washing

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

go the shops and they have loooooads of treatments. you also need a fine toothed comb and they'll be gone!

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

a treatment called "results" works really good.

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

there are shampoos that get rid of lice. you have to sit there in your hair for like 30 minutes but its better than cutting.

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

well if ur hispanic its way easier because all u have to do is go to a mexican store like la placita or la guadalupana (something like that) and assk for a lice remover shampoo. it will have instructions, the shampoo. and the comb to remove them. it will take about 3 months for them to go away.

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

vaseline.. They hate dirty hair, lice is attracted to clean hair

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

This sounds gross, but the cheapest way to do it (the kits can be expensive) is to go to the dollar store, buy a big jar of a cheap hair gel, and apply it all over the head. Then put a shower cap over it and leave it like that overnight. It will take a while to wash it out, but it'll smother the lice and they'll be gone. Don't forget about washing your bedding and everything in superhot water! You've got to kill the nits too!

How do you get lice out of ur hair without cutting?

Ugh. I had lice when I was little.

It sucks. =/

Anyway, this is what you should do:

1.) Go to a specialty hair products store

and buy a lice shampoo. Use it

EVERY SINGLE DAY. This may dry it

out, but hey, it's better than having lice,


2.) Buy a very fine-toothed comb made

especially for lice. Use it in the morning,

after lunch, and before you go to bed.

3.) Bag up all your stuffed animals, keepsakes,

or anything made of cloth, they are breeding

grounds for lice.

4.) Wash your pillows and bedding at least once

a week.

5.) DO NOT let your pets sleep with you during

this time.

6.) If lice persists, go to a doctor and ask for

prescription-strength products.

Lice is soooo annoying, but you don't have to

cut your hair off! (Unfortunately, I did have to because

my dad was too lazy to do any of the above steps).

Oh, yeah, one more thing: After your lice is gone,

YOU NEED TO CONDITION YOUR HAIR. Use conditioner every single day and use leave-in conditioners to return your hair to its normal state.

Good luck! =]

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