Saturday, November 14, 2009

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and

what do u think about this?

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

More power to ya! Just remember things change so never say never! Thank you for donating your hair, it's a wonderful organization and I support anyone who supports them.

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

It's your hair. Why do you think we would care?

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

it won't last trust me. I did the whole i'm never gunna seriously cut my hair thing when I have like 5 years of age. And when I turned 11 I cut it from my waist up to my bust line. Just let your hair growout a little and still get it cut how ever you want.

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

If you are doing it for love, first what does that prove?

Is that something that your girfriend consider appealing after a while. I wouldn't think so.

But that is just me...

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

I think you should get your hair cut very short... almost like a buzz cut, if your going to never get it cut again. I really think there is going to be a time in your life where you are going to get it cut again. I highly doubt you can spend your whole life without a hair cut or trim. Boys were meant to have kind of short hair. So I think you should come up with a different goal. Maybe another one with hair if you're into that kind of stuff. But I really think you shouldn't let it grow out your whole life without getting it cut. I hope my opinion helps!

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

In my late teens (in the 70's) I stopped cutting my hair. It grew to my mid-back, and it took 3-4 hours to dry after I washed it - and I had to wash it every other day.


Now I'm 44yo, with a bald spot, receding hairline %26amp; thinning greying I've shaved it all off :-)

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

i don't see the reason foe cutting it.....the person your cutting it for is supposed to love you the way you are and i think you shouldn't cut it because some one else to you to

I am a guy and after i get my hair cut for locks of love i am never cutting it again in my life and im only 17

You do know that Locks of Love doesn't give human hair wigs to children with cancer, don't you?

They sell human hair wigs to children with alopecia. Which is a nice thing to do. But, not what all the media hype whould like you to think.

I am not knocking Locks of Love. They do perform a wonderful service for the children who meet their criteria of having permanant hairloss, due mostly to alopecia. And can pass the screening process and can afford the hairpieces.

LoL takes in thousands and thousands of donations a year. Enough to make wigs for thousands of children with alopecia a year.Yet they have only helped around twenty five hundred children. In the entire time they have been in business. The rest of the hair is sold to defray operating costs and to buy hair from places like India, then process and turn that hair into wigs. Very, very few of the donations from Americans ever see their way into a wig, as American hair doesn't usually fit their criteria. They want virgin, undamaged hair. A rare thing in this country, in this day and age.

Hair donations that don't meet their standards that aren't sold are wharehoused or thrown away.

If you really want to help children with cancer, donate money to a children's cancer hospital. Or buy a beautiful, new lightweight, comfortable synthetic wig and donate it to a child who is undergoing cancer treatments. Synthetic wigs are best for cancer patients because they don't have the bacteria issues that natural human hair has. Many people undergoing cancer treatments are immunosupressed and can't wear human hair wigs because of the fear of infection. Synthetic wigs are also lighter, cooler and more comfortable.

If you love your long hair, hang onto it. If you want to cut it for your own reasons, then do so. But, don't do it for the mistaken thought that you will be helping someone with cancer. Because you won't.

If you still feel strongly that you want to donate to Locks of Love, do it, just do so knowing what your hair will really be used for.

It is called making an informed decision. :)

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