Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I have had long hair for 4 years and I'm sick of it. My bf doesn't want me cutting it shorter than my shoulders. Everyone I have ever dated has had this hang up.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I love a woman with short hair, not Britney shaved her head short, but above the shoulders.

The first time my daughter had her hair cut short, it was a shock ! She looked like an entirely different person, but it was cute !

If you get at least ten inches cut off of your hair, you should tell them that you want to donate it to Locks Of Love. It is an organization that will use the hair to make wigs for cancer patients. My daughter did that with hers. If they don't know what that is, ask them to check into it before they cut it.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

you must know some pretty weird blokes

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

Does not bother me,,,,,,

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

long hair is an extension to their penis

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I don't.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I guess long hair

looks better.


More to grab on


Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

because they think it is sexy, and they want to have something to hold on to when they are hitting it from the back.

I had long hair for years and my bf didnt want me to cut it, i did it a week and a half ago and he loves it, its your hair honey, do what u want with it, he will like it afterwards

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I luv short hair on women - I guess it is a sexual thing, besides it is easier for her to take car of it.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

Maybe, he is afriad, you will look like a man.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

They like to have something to pull on...: p

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

Short hair is wonderful. I love it! Remind him that hair does not make a relationship. If that doesn't work, get a new hairsty and a new BF at the same time.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

IDK, but It's your hair. Go for it, If he doesn't like it too dam bad.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?


Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

It's a caveman thing dear. I just recently heard my boyfriend admit that he will still be here when my hair gets cut. Do you like the Avatar? That is what my hair will look like once I have this 9 inches of color treated dead stuff whacked off. Trust me, if you cut it and he leaves the proper thing to say to him is Good Riddance.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

You should do what you think would suit you and not worry about what he thinks.

Have you thought about donateing your hair to Locks of Love? They make wigs for kids that have lost their hair from chemotherapy.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I think you are over generalizing about what men like and don't like. I've dated many women with short hair, and found them sexy and beautiful. Maybe the problem is with the type of guys you've been seeing?

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

long hair is very feminine...guys don't want there GIRL to look like a guy....A lot of guys like to be able to play with/run their fingers through long hair

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

Well long hair is seen as more feminine and short hair is seen as more masculine. In other words some people feel that girls should have long hair and boys should have short hair. That's just how society usually views things. However I have seen some pretty women with short hair not too short of course but short hair. I usually like long hair but not too long but I have dated pretty women with short hair. Besides is he is only with you because of your hair then that says more about him then it does about you. If he really loves you he wouldn't make a big issue out of this situation. If he does make a big deal out of it then leave him and find somebody who will like you as is.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

femininity, romance, romeo and juliet, rapunzel, sleeping beauty, All the fairytales and sweetness stuff. BUT its your hair and so you wear it the way you like.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

No i know what you mean, its actually pretty true for most guys. I used to have really long hair, but i needed a change and in the spur of the moment, I cut it boy short. It was kind of like Twiggy...long bangs but short in the back. I heard it all from "girls arent supposed to have short hair" to "girls with short hair look like dykes"....all of it...all from guys. Most guys like girls to be feminine and short hair just doesnt qualify as feminine.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I know my husband likes to be able to run his hands through my hair. If it were to be short,it would be more difficult.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

I don't see why they would mind, my bf's haven't had problems with me having shorter hair.

I'll have a guess but, each of them has only known you with long hair, maybe they think it would suit you better then short hair so they haven't wanted you to cut it too short, maybe.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

Well I like long hair on a woman too. BUT to be truthful I'd honestly like to be involved with a woman with really short hair if not outright bald.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

Maybe your boyfriend is attractive to you because you have beautiful long hair and that is what attracted you to him and he does not want to lose it. I can see your point too. I like dating women that have short hair or in a permanent curl style because it shows their face more.Tell him you need a change with your hair and see how he reacts before doing it. I cannot believe he would mind if he knows how happy it will make you feel inside and if you are happy and attractive then he will be happy even more. This is how I would react in this scenario but we are all different.

Why do men have a hang up about women cutting their hair short?

Women look good with long hair...Short hair makes them look less feminine, more boyish or manish...just my opinion in general...Lets just say most men would pick oh, say...Pamela Anderson every time over someone like Hillary Clinton...One is hot, even though she's had plastic surgery...and the other just looks like a b*tch...not to mention a butch...

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