Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

i have a very furry persian cat that i need to shave (he sheds like crazy in the winter)

everytime i buy a razor machine it never works, anyone ever used a good pet razor before? looks for the brand and where to buy it.


Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?


Why get a long haired cat if you are not willing to deal with it properly?

You should be brushing him gently on a daily basis. He will love it once he gets used to it, and you won't have to be concerned with the heavy shedding, and it will help preclude hairballs from forming.

Check with your vet or a pet store for a "rake" for your cat. We have had long hair cats for 15 years and they love to be groomed with the rake. And yes it looks like a rake with 3 rows of teeth/nails in it. A regular brush doesn't work anywhere near as well as the "rake" since it doesn't get down into the fur like the rake does.

The only hair cutting we do is to trim with scissors around their fanny because the long hair interferes with their bowel movements at times. We only do this because the vet told us it was okay to do.

Other than that, DONT cut your cats fur.

Hope this helps.

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

You shouldn"t be shaving your cat---thats what persians are known for, their long fur. If you shave it, it will look ridiculous. Try brushing your cat gently, that will help the shedding.

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

I would think that you would want to keep your cats fur in tact for the he will stay warm. Get a good cat brush and brush him once or twice a week to get rid of the excess fur.

If you decide to shave him in warmer weather, take him to a professional groomer.

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

my cat's not a persian, but he has thick, fine, fluffy hair that is IMPOSSIBLE to shave. I have tried the most expensive clippers wal mart carries, I'm just not willing to buy one at petco, they are 200 for the good ones that they use mostly for horses, but if you want one that will cut it, it'll run you over 100, so I'd just take him to a groomer. when I lived in Texas, I took him to the groomer my mom takes her dog to, they charge about $30, and he's good for about 6 months. That's probably your best bet, then you don't have to worry about cleaning up all that fur that will surely get tracked through your whole house.

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