Thursday, November 19, 2009

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

To cleanse/purge herself from all of her problems. As it is impossible to do so internally a lot of people, not just women, shave their head for this reason. (I have done it myself during alcohol rehab).

It is similar reaction to, but far preferable to self harming.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

That she doesn't like her hair.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

any reason that drives her nuts she is allowed to cut her hair

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Hair in all societies is associated with beauty.....take it from there..

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

It might signify a new begining for her. A lot of women cut their hair after a life changing event : birth of a baby, divorce, etc.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Some women see their hair as a symbol of their feminity. There may be many reasons, but it could be a feminist thing or a depression thing.

However, maybe it's just a drastic haircut.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

I go through periods of depression from time to time %26amp; I generally have my hair cut short when I'm approaching the end stages of that particular depression. Because I feel ugly, invisible, angry at myself %26amp; my self esteem is low I have my hair cut short as a defense mechanism. I feel a bit more "kick ar5e" when it's short, if that makes sense, lol. My personality is angry %26amp; defensive when I'm coming out of a depression %26amp; I think my hair reflects that. The only drawback is having to bloody grow it back, lol. I'm growing it again now %26amp; it drives me nuts. 閳?br>What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

to get rid of the negative vibes that are perceived to surround her.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Maybe she needs a change in herself, perhaps the desire to look like an attractive person with short hair (model, mentor, rival, etc), the need to look tougher or more masculine for whatever reason (job, etc), fear of harm due to hair being long, (many rape preventists recommend not wearing your hair long, machinery at work, etc), donation (Locks of Love), self mutalation, rebellion, or maybe she just likes it

Other reasons that could be partly psychological and part practical include ease of care, headaches (hair gets heavy), infestation of lice, looks (split ends, uneven growth), and others

For any person, particulary one who has had long hair for a long time, cutting hair can be a deeply personal matter involving much emotion and consideration. Hair style is an expression of who we are and often the class or status we wish to be associated with. There can be many reason behind a drastic cut. If you are worries it amy signify an emotional issue, talk with the person or someones close to them about your concerns.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

A great need for change, escape from the present situation, boredom...

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

do u mean all of it?

if so then maybe she's going through a rough time or feeling unattractive otherwise maybe she jus wanted too?????

i've studied psychology for 2 and a half years and there is no psychological reason 4 this

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

one reason could be, the feminist side of things. many woman view the world as still a very manly place,and may feel that to fully suceed in this "man-ran" world,they must appear the same, and "toughen up".

woman tend to be generally seen as weaker then men, and long hair is traditionally a womans trademark, so possibly, by cutting her hair off,it may symbolise her adapting to a patriacol society.


she may just not care to spend lots of money on hair products anymore hehehe =)

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Several reasons, but it depends on the person. She could be cutting it off as a new beginning, or as cutting away her old self!

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