Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

I have half back length curly,dark,unmanageable hair.I really want to cut it to shoulder length hair but I don't want it to get too frizzy or out-of-control type.Do you think I should cut it or not?

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?


Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

I got my hair (which was the same length) cut to just below my shoulders about one year ago. I'm so glad I did it. For once, my curls were somewhat defined! I would suggest getting some layers toward the ends and definitely thinning the ends.

Good luck!!


Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

i think you should but talk to a profesional and try non over counter products that you find at stores try using profesional products i know it costs but ,if your willing it will make your hair so much better , now i have to use over the counter stuff cause i am just poor like that lol i use sunsilk shampoo it seems to work very well but be carefull i asked a profesional once why is it that it is so mucher cheaper its because its alchol based , i have unmangeable wacy hair if your wondering try sunsilk after getting it cutt if you want but your forwarned :) it works for me but not everyones hair is the same . good luck !

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

bob,shagg,or a perm for control. for a shampoo an conditioner try control freak it controls frizz an a staightener.

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

not a problem at all

in fact short wavy hair or curly hair is hip and looks sexy....if you use the right products then your hair wont be firzzy at all

wat you got tod o is first get the right hair cut irrespective of the length...besides cuttign it short wll make it more manageable

then use shampoos that are basically designed for wavy curly hair..u get wonderful product s fm matrix and loreal then use a curl definer m ousse or spray and crunch those curls withthe palmas of your hands to d3efine them

then youll see that your blessed with this hair... and youll look hot!

if you decide to cut it long

then a neat bun with curls falling on your face looks girlie and pretty

or you can pin it up with a chopstick

half ponies look great

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

i had the same length curly hair that you do before i cut it. i wouldnt suggest cutting it shoulder length because i did that and i coulnt manage it. i then cut it shorter, to about the middle of my cheek...i LOVE it. its soooo much easier to manage...but make sure that ur stylist textures it or else it curls wishes on ur decision...

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