Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

I've never understood. I've had long hair all my life and everytime I pay to have it cut, it costs $15-$20 more because it's long. It's ridiculous because it takes less time and skill to cut my hair straight across than to layer a short hairstyle, yet I'm the one to fork out. You can't tell me it's extra product, either...a dab more shampoo DOES NOT cost $20--and they don't have to use hair spray/gel like when they style a short cut. Now, an updo or getting it cut from long to short, I understand. I've decided I'm not paying it anymore. :) It's unfounded (unless you can give me good reason) and I am a damn good tipper.

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

What bothers me is higher prices for womens hair. They may say its because its longer, but then they charge short haired women the "womens hair" price. Its HARD to find a stylist who can cut short hair into a nice GIRL cut, so 99% of the time you end up leaving looking like a man anyway, so why dont they just charge you what they charge the freakin guys!

That REALLY bothers me.

The long hair thing, I hate to say it, is just another way to make money. I dont charge people extra for longer nails, or larger people more for waxing, even though its more product and more work.

Especialy when doing a trim, the length of hair should not be that serious of an issue. The best thing to do is not go to these places. You can find a good hair stylist somehwere else!

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

I'm with you on that one! I have hair to my waist, and I pay $10 for a trim. Find someone who won't charge a mint!

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

b/c it is long and u get a lot of it cut.

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

Takes longer.

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

Maybe cause you hafe to cut more off. the people are dumbasses they always cut your hair wrong !! so I dont freakin deal with those pieces of ****. I just grab a pair of good scizors and cut it my self ! Hey its not that hard Go ahead and try it its simple. Just wet your hair and pull it striaght now put the hair next to each other and hack it off. I cut all my friends hair all the time. When they get home from school there parents say "why did you cut your hair " they say "my friend did it " "really looks nice" they always say so try to cut you own hair save gas and money.

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

Amen sister!

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

You're right it's a total scam. You can always go to one of those fast food haircut places that cut your hair dry and only charge like 10 bucks regardless of length. But like everything you get what you pay for. It sucks but what can you do?

Why does cutting long hair cost more?

Sorry I don't know the answer, but I will be watching for answers. This is a good question.

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