Thursday, November 12, 2009

Pulling the hair can be pain full bu not cutting the hair. explain.?

Your hair has no nerves. You need nerves to have pain. When you cut hair, you are cutting somewhere with no nerves. Hence, no pain. However, if you pull your hair, it tugs on your scalp. Your scalp has nerves, so you feel pain.

Hope this helps.

Pulling the hair can be pain full bu not cutting the hair. explain.?

Because you aren't really putting pressure on your head when you get your hair cut.

Pulling the hair can be pain full bu not cutting the hair. explain.?

Easy! you cannot feel your hair get cut because your hair is made out of dead cells, not nerves, but you feel your hair being pulled out because your hair that is being pulled out is being pulled out by the ROOTS OF YOUR HEAD, a.k.a, little nerves that connect the hair to your head. Hope I helped! ^^

Pulling the hair can be pain full bu not cutting the hair. explain.?

There is no live nerve cells on your hair itself.

The nerve cells are found on your head. When you pull, there would be a sensation across your hair and that would be the nerve impulses from the affector to your neurons. That's why you feel pain.

While you cut your hair, you are cutting part of those dead cells and there is no live nerve cells around to transport message. So, you do not feel pain.

Pulling the hair can be pain full bu not cutting the hair. explain.?

Hairs start from hair follicles in skin .These follicles are endowed with pain nerve endings. Hairs are free from pain or any other types of nerves.Pulling hairs cause pain as nerve endings are stretched.

Pulling the hair can be pain full bu not cutting the hair. explain.?

At the root, the base, what's called the follicle, THAT has nerves attatched all around it. But after the hair is produced, which I believe is made outta fiber, it doesn't contain any nerve endings surrounding it. Hair is like spider webbing, hey you know what, I never gave hair much thought. I guess it IS pretty interesting how it grows and all that.

Pulling the hair can be pain full bu not cutting the hair. explain.?

Hair is actually dead cells,cutting hair doesnt hurt,but when your pulling it your doing so from its roots and its roots are embedded deep in the scalp.the sclap is made out of living cells and has nerves.

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