Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

So my wife wants me to cut her hair. We are trying to save money, so this is a start. Does anyone have any tricks or information that may be useful to help me do this. I am not an idiot, I have cut many of my friends hair and my brothers many times, so I know how hair works. Thanks!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

then you should be just fine.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Just take little bits off at a time so you can think about what your doing. and dont do anything toooo darastic or you myt find yourself sleeping outside for the night!!!!!! lol : P

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Don't make it to short or uneven and you should be good

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

A tip would be to cut it slowly. The worse thing that could happen is you cut it too short and she hates it. If you cut it nice and slowly she can help coach you and let you know exactly how she wants it. If you don't cut enough, you can cut more. But if you cut too much off you gotta wait for it to grow back.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

if your friends are women then you should be ok cutting your wifes hair

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

If you've done it before, then you have the basic idea. Just take your time. And keep it simple

Unfortunately, you probably do not know how to style a womans hair... So, If that bothers her, I would save up 11 dollars and go to supercuts.

either way, its just hair! If she doesnt like it, it can be fixed, and it will grow back!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

sectioning is the key!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

mkae sure the sides are even...last time my mom cut my hair she made mine lopsided and i didn't notice until the next day at school!!!-good luck from lucky 7

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

She's either crazy or trusts you with all her heart.

Only advice- nothing too drastic!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

This is very confusing. Your cutting her hair to save money? How is this saving money? Just refrain from getting it "done" every week. Anyway, put her hair in several rubber bands to contain it all. Then cut right above when you want it. Then cut to even it out. Send the hair to wigs for kids.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

tell her to wash her hair first. get a thin comb and gradually make her hair straight and slick. if all she wants is a trim, start layer by layer, working your way around her head. make sure each section is about this big: ________

good luck!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

just be careful....

a wife's hair is more important than a friend's....

and plus she lives with you so if you mess up you're screwed...

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Well, you could give her the sexy looking hair that is easy to maintain.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Don't cut her hair - go to a technical college where the trainee hairdressers do it for less money.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

So if you've done this before, you shouldn't have any problems. The only thing, make sure your wife likes it and looks good, or you won't be saving any money, especially if she has to go to the hairdresser and get it fixed.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

I trust you

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