Thursday, November 12, 2009

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

i am not positive but i think it is when lots of layers like with the razor right?

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

Getting it cut in around your face. Its also called getting your hair feathered.

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

like you cut your hair near the top and cut it at an angle down to the end of your hair...idk hard to explain but theyve done it to my hair before and it wasnt bad..

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

I think kthat means to line up your hair line

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

To layer it, or cut it in layers from shot at top to long at bottom when you're cutting. Imagine pulling all your hair straight up and cutting it. That stair step look is tapered.

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

That means the hair thins out as it moves away from the top of your head. There's more hair on the side of the head near the top than there is on the side/back of the head near the end of the hair. In the military, men's hair is required to present a tapered appearance.

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

basically just to layer it

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

Tapering means that the hair is cut to be longer at top than at the bottom. Here's a guide:

Best Luck!

What does it mean to taper your hair? sorry not a hair cutting expert?

May we simplify this? Taper means to go from a larger specified amount to a lesser amount, therefor, your hair is cut from a long length to nothing, it used to be called a shingle, visualize a roof shingle, thicker at the top "tapering" to nothing at the end. A mans haircut is normally tapered to nothing at the nape of the neck.

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