Thursday, November 19, 2009

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them & w/o cutting my hair short...

thru the way i dress...or perhaps the way i accessorize ideas??

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Get yourself one of those "Noone knows I'm a lesbian" T-shirts?

Makeout with chicks in front of everyone/anyone?

Why? What's the point?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

wear some rainbows?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Does it really matter if you prove it to the world? You only have to prove it to yourself. If you are out and find a girl you like, get to know her and just keep her informed.

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Why would you feel the need to prove it to anyone? Who the hell would care?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Why do you need to prove anything?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Auto - drive a pickup truck (a big one) or a Subaru Outback

Clothes - wear sweat pants and t-shirt or sweatshirt, all plain (no logos or words, just plain colors), don't wear makeup, wear only studs instead of dangling jewelry

Activities - cut down trees with a chainsaw, go hunting

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

If u really are then you wouldnt be such a problem proving to people you are. Why prove urself to other?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

i dont think thats nothing to brag about if u read the bible it says GOD doesnt believe in girls and girls going together he put adam and eve in the garden not eve and eve

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Honey being a lesbian is your sexual preference. It really has nothing to do with your fashion style.You should be the best person you can be on the inside and you'll attract the right woman for the right reasons. I have short hair but I prefer men. So what? Life is more than looks! Be Beautiful where it counts. The Heart.

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Plaid shirts are definitely the way to go!

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

If you feel you have to "prove" you are, then you probably aren't. I'm not, but those that "choose" that lifestyle stand out, without having to prove anything.

What makes you think that anyone wants you to prove it anyway? Most people could care less who you sleep with.

My ideas are to read the Bible. Come back to the man/woman relationship that God intended you to be in. You wouldn't be having to ask questions like this if being a lesbian was truly in your heart, or the will of God.

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

why do you need to prove to people your sexual orientation? thats lame

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Dear, you don't have to prove anything. who is to say what a lesbian should "look" like? I have been friends with some that are very feminine, who wear dresses and makeup? and others who look like men. it is all not in your appearence. Continue to dress how you always have or what is more comfortable for you. Do not worry about anyone else's opinion. and if bible thumpers get on your case, they should remember this, was it not in the "Bible" about not judging others lest ye be judged? Best Wishes

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

I struggle to understand why you need to prove ur sexuality. i wouldn't bother, and let people either not believe you, or realise when you pull a girl.

And anyway, from what I've been told, short hair and dungarees ar not very sexy in the lesbian world. So just be who you want to be and try not to worrry about proving anything to anyone. And if it's a potential girlfriend then snogging her is one way of proving things, I'll leave it up to u how else ud prove it to her.

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