Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cutting dogs hair?

I have this dog that will not let me near her with clippers or scissors. Is there something I can give her to calm her down. Something over the counter...........please help

Cutting dogs hair?

Chamomile tea works very well, and is safe for her. Dump it out of the teabag, and use 1 teaspoon for small breed, up to 1 tablespoon for a large breed. Mix it in a little canned food, such as Cesar's, and give about 30 minutes before she needs to relax. It will keep her happy, but reduce stress.

You will find chamomile in your grocer's tea section

She Will be less fearful and nervous, and it can be given as needed for stressful situations..

Cutting dogs hair?

Take your dog to the vet. They do the best job. I take my dog to the vet.

Cutting dogs hair?

Just bring the dog of opposite gender and u can do what ever u want . it is as simple as that

Cutting dogs hair?

I have the same problem with my dog when I want to clip his nails. I usually take mine to the vet as they give him a sedative to calm him down and clip his nails for me. Costs about 鎷?0 but it's worth it. I'd rather pay that then get my dog worked up for no reason!

Cutting dogs hair?

Muzzle the dog. Have someone hold him or her. If you are inexperienced, have a experienced groomer do it. Otherwise, you can knick the dog's skin and have a giant vet bill in your hands.

If the dog is not good at the dog grooming salon, have the dog sedated at the vet hospital and let the technicians groom the dog themselves.

Cutting dogs hair?

some dogs have bad reactions when their owners try to do things in their home, but are perfectly fine when taken to a vet or groomer to have the same things done...try getting her into an unfamiliar environment or letting someone else try the scissors or clipper. there are over the counter sedatives designed for animals with motion/car sickness, but having the dog sedated can actually make grooming more difficult. good luck!

Cutting dogs hair?

They have pills or some kind of spray you mist around the room to calm him down. It is used mostly to ease there minds during heat (female) or car sickness. But it should help your dog calm down during grooming as well. As much i hope this helps. I STRONGLY suggest you to take him to the vet where they will have him sedated (me and my boyfriend do this to our two newfoundlands) It kinda costs you, but its well worth it in the end. No fussy dog for you to deal with Because the pills or spray does not usually work 100%

good luck to you and your dog.

Cutting dogs hair?

Well best thing to do in this case is seek pro help such as Dogs Trainers Petco Petsmart Petland and ask them what to do in the matter

Cutting dogs hair?


I am an experienced Dog Groomer. You can do one of two things, which has been mentioned.

You can take her to the Vets, or to a Groomer. The Vets have a higher Sedative they can give her to groom her, and it is actually easier to groom a dog that is out then one that is awake and afraid. Most groomer will have a Herbal sedative that will calm them, but not knock them out. This is what I use for nervous Dogs and Cats during Grooming:


Tranquil Plus Tablets

Formulated as a traditional herbal supplement for times of nervousness, shyness and over-excitement.

These tablets should not be given to puppies or kittens under 6 months of age.

Based on: Valerian, Scullcap, Chamomile, Vervain.

Available pack size: 100/400 tablets.


Tranquility Blend - Holistic veterinarians have been using this formula in situations where nervousness or nerve dysfunction plays a negative factor in the well-being of the animal. Intended as a general calming agent; for cases of acute anxiety, such as trips to the groomer, thunder storms, or the dreaded car trip, excess barking, trips to the vets, nervous disorders, fear of noises and thunder, epilepsy. Tranquility Blend is thought to reduce physical tension and bring about a more relaxed state without impairing motor function or mental alertness. A balanced combination of four calming nerve tonics for acute anxiety disorders: Valerian, Skullcap, Hops, and Oatstraw.

Cutting dogs hair?

Small dogs are often terrified of scissors. Are you already apprehensive when approaching the dog? If you are, she can probably sense it and that feeds her fear even more.

I think, before you try to cut your dogs hair you should tire her out with a lot of exercise, and after she starts to go to sleep, approach her gently. Pet her, and make her feel comfortable. Don't be nervous at all when you do this. If she is tired enough she should not notice the scissors so much.

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