Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cutting my hair...?

I want to cut my hair its about mid backish but I don't want to cut TOO much off anyone knoe any cute haircut ideas?!?

Cutting my hair...?

you should cut off like 5 or 6 inches and layer it

Cutting my hair...?

Mid back is way too long. It does you no good at that length, especially if it's all to that length. Worst thing possible.

Once you hair is hanging lower than your jawline, it does nothing for your face anymore. Even a few wisps of bangs, or shorter wisps at cheek level is better, although can look silly with really long hair.

If you have very long hair, and still want to keep that length, you can get it layered properly (and this is not easy to do) so that you have all the length, but have all those shorter lengths around the face. It needs to be done professionally to look right. It also looks best (and reallly sexy) if it is curled softtly (and not with a perm please!).

Your best bet is to consult with a professional. Don't get it cut; just get his/her opinion. Go to a couple of them. Take your time with this decision. But it's only hair, and it will grow back. Why not have some fun with different lengths? Life is too short to be a slave to 'ong hair' for no good reason, and not look your best.

Cutting my hair....need ideas?

ive cut it many times, but im dying it black this weekend and i want a cute haircut to go with it, something a teen would like, i am almost 16. but right now my hair is like to my shouders, or a little above my shoulders. so if anyone has any link of cute haircuts that would be awesome

my hair is naturally...wavy..but i like to straighten it. im into the punk/skater/emo look if it helps at all

Cutting my hair....need ideas?

Well your hair sounds alot like mine. I got a razor cut, so all the ends are really pieces and messy looking. Ask them to "channel" the ends and do it with a razor and thinning shears. I really like the cut and its easy to style. Also get the back shorter and "choppy", leave longer pieces in the front. Maybe take about 2 inches off.

Hope this helps. Good luck. : )

Cutting my hair....need ideas?

justhairstyles (type it in google)

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

simple. you can't. sorry o.o;;

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

try baby oil or veg oil and comb gently from bottom to top and may take awhile but if you want them out it will be worth in baby oil in a spray bottle works the best.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

i dunno i thought there was no other way and you had to shave your head..

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

it depends on whether they're done right or not - if they've been done right, you still have a chance to entangle them, if not, you have to cut them ....

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

U cant! u should have researched that b4 u got the dread locks.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

Try this website. It says that it will take a long time but they can be removed. Good luck. Sounds like a long process.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

You can't get dreads out of your hair without cutting them out. Now if your hair is simply tangled then you can try a conditioner and attempt to comb through it... but more than likely you will have to cut it. Hair grows back so try not to be too upset about it. Good luck

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

Well what is it that you have? Dreads you have to cut. Wadded tangles can be carefully combed out with baby oil and conditioner mixed together. AND a lot of patience. Good luck.

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

one my hair dye turned a bad color so how do i strip it out w/o making the nutrients my hair needs come out,and two my hair needs to grow long fast but not overnight anything thats safe for me to use?

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

DO NOT strip your hair!

I died my hair %26amp; it turned out Bozo the clown ORANGE!!!!

I asked a hair dresser for a quick fix since it was after hours %26amp; she suggested to buy a toner with no alcohol %26amp; no .... something else. Go to your local Beauty Supply Store %26amp; ask what the best pruduct to "tone" you hair with the least amout of damage. Check the ingredience %26amp; aske her if the could inform you on what ingredience to look for to be sure it's the lease damaging.

I toned mine with Two Medium ash browns %26amp; one Medium Natural brown. My hair was almost black at first but it lightened up. If you want to go lighter or blond you will have to have it striped but wait at LEAST one month before you have it striped %26amp; only trust a hair color specialist if you want you hair to look normal any time soon.

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

I am a hairdresser and I really believe to get the best results, you need to have it professionally done. A stylist will take better care of your hair and have the professional tools that are needed. As far as growing, the health food stores have some great vitamins that will aid in growth.

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

Hi, Im a student in the field of cosmetology,

Nothing can really make your hair grow longer. Ive looked. But there are things you can do to help it.

One thing is that if you straighten or use irons on your hair, like myself, deep condition your hair ALOT! I do it two to three times a week! Even if you dont have a deep conditioner you can use regular conditioner on your hair for an hour or more, this also works nicely. My hair became really strong after this.

Vitamins help too! Take a multivitamin and a vitamin B-complex.

Do not color your hair alot! It weakens your hair causing it to snap off. If you do need to though, dont forget to condition, condition, condition!!! Dont forget bleaching! That is one of the worste things you could do!!

Cutting your hair doesnt make it grow faster!!! All that does is remove the split ends.

Massage your scalp regularly, this helps with growth!! It helps circulate blood flow in the scalp, with premotes hair growth.

Hope this information was helpful :)

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

either use a hair color remover kit,or go to a salon and ask them

Cutting my hair extensions short myself?

hi, i want to cut my hair extensions short myself (i cant afford to go to a salon right now) im going to cut it like sarah hardings from girls aloud(but slightly longer),any tips/advise? please answer, thanks! :) x

Cutting my hair extensions short myself?


What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

To cleanse/purge herself from all of her problems. As it is impossible to do so internally a lot of people, not just women, shave their head for this reason. (I have done it myself during alcohol rehab).

It is similar reaction to, but far preferable to self harming.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

That she doesn't like her hair.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

any reason that drives her nuts she is allowed to cut her hair

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Hair in all societies is associated with beauty.....take it from there..

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

It might signify a new begining for her. A lot of women cut their hair after a life changing event : birth of a baby, divorce, etc.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Some women see their hair as a symbol of their feminity. There may be many reasons, but it could be a feminist thing or a depression thing.

However, maybe it's just a drastic haircut.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

I go through periods of depression from time to time %26amp; I generally have my hair cut short when I'm approaching the end stages of that particular depression. Because I feel ugly, invisible, angry at myself %26amp; my self esteem is low I have my hair cut short as a defense mechanism. I feel a bit more "kick ar5e" when it's short, if that makes sense, lol. My personality is angry %26amp; defensive when I'm coming out of a depression %26amp; I think my hair reflects that. The only drawback is having to bloody grow it back, lol. I'm growing it again now %26amp; it drives me nuts. 閳?br>What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

to get rid of the negative vibes that are perceived to surround her.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Maybe she needs a change in herself, perhaps the desire to look like an attractive person with short hair (model, mentor, rival, etc), the need to look tougher or more masculine for whatever reason (job, etc), fear of harm due to hair being long, (many rape preventists recommend not wearing your hair long, machinery at work, etc), donation (Locks of Love), self mutalation, rebellion, or maybe she just likes it

Other reasons that could be partly psychological and part practical include ease of care, headaches (hair gets heavy), infestation of lice, looks (split ends, uneven growth), and others

For any person, particulary one who has had long hair for a long time, cutting hair can be a deeply personal matter involving much emotion and consideration. Hair style is an expression of who we are and often the class or status we wish to be associated with. There can be many reason behind a drastic cut. If you are worries it amy signify an emotional issue, talk with the person or someones close to them about your concerns.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

A great need for change, escape from the present situation, boredom...

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

do u mean all of it?

if so then maybe she's going through a rough time or feeling unattractive otherwise maybe she jus wanted too?????

i've studied psychology for 2 and a half years and there is no psychological reason 4 this

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

one reason could be, the feminist side of things. many woman view the world as still a very manly place,and may feel that to fully suceed in this "man-ran" world,they must appear the same, and "toughen up".

woman tend to be generally seen as weaker then men, and long hair is traditionally a womans trademark, so possibly, by cutting her hair off,it may symbolise her adapting to a patriacol society.


she may just not care to spend lots of money on hair products anymore hehehe =)

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Several reasons, but it depends on the person. She could be cutting it off as a new beginning, or as cutting away her old self!

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

i have long hair and i just permed it but i want 2 texturize it and make it curly without cutting it .. how can i do that ?

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

First you need to wet your hair. Get it damp, but not completely totally wet. I take shower and let it air-dry a little before I start fixing my hair.

Then you will need some mousse. I use Matrix Biolage Mousse stuff, but I'm sure other stuff will work.

Squirt a blob of it on your hand and rub your hands together until most of the foam isn't foamy anymore, but not totally liquid.

Run your hands and fingers throught your hair and scrunch. If you blow-dry your hair, Scrunch while drying. If you air-dry scrunch every once in a while.

Now get some gel, mostly any kind will work, and put it lightly on your hair when it is like halfway dry.

Hope this helps!!!---kelly/sticky notes

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

use roller to curl your hair or just use a curling iron which ever is quicker to you

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

use a currling iron

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

Get a perm ?use curlers?Hot rollers?

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

get a curler that has real ceramic plates those work the best. or after you take a shower get curlers and let dry.

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

Use hair rollers at night. Or you need to use a styling product and then you use an iron. The styling product helps keep the curl in and it wont damage your hair. I have long hair as well and that is what I do and my hair looks great.

Good Luck

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

GHD's curl your hair really well!! I'd definitley recommend that, hope it turns out well! =)

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

you can use a texturizer or a curl activator creme, you can also get a staw set, but get them extra tiny and it will turn out reallly pretty- medium straw sets are really pretty too, so it's really up to your style......good luck!!!!

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

use iron curlers!!! nicky clarkes are great

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

Use a curling iron duhh......

My 8mth old girls hair seems to b cutting in the fronts. what do i do.?

she has full hair that i pack in tiny ruffles and i shampoo twice

My 8mth old girls hair seems to b cutting in the fronts. what do i do.?

take her to the Doctor to see what wrong do you have my space

My 8mth old girls hair seems to b cutting in the fronts. what do i do.?


My 8mth old girls hair seems to b cutting in the fronts. what do i do.?

I dont know what your askin?

My 8mth old girls hair seems to b cutting in the fronts. what do i do.?

Skip the daily shampoo. She's a baby!

Wash it only 3 times a week.

As the hair grows back in and she gets a little older you can go back to the regular way you wash it.

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

i'm broke, so i can't get a haircut

and my hair is ugly


Tips on cutting hair yourself?

If you are trying to cut your bangs.....comb them straight and put some tape across area you want to cut and cut along the tape...for the back you can bend over and grab the ends of your hair and snip...some salons cut the length this way. I guess it all depends on the style you are wanting.....after you get it the length you want can razor the edges.....just hold pinches of hair out and hit it with the razor...this will help with layering.....just play with it...but dont over do it. If you are nervous about doing it your self....get a friend or save up enough to go to the salon.

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

dont do it.

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

get a good pair of sharp scissors, make sure your hair is wet and take your time

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

umm let a friend or relative do it..

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

Cut a little at a time. That way it's a lot harder to screw it up and it's gradual so you can stop when you like it.

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

well, its easy for me, being a dude, but i don't know about you.

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

just snip off the split ends or dead looking ends

don't cut too much or itll go wrong

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

You can comb it and just trim them as you wish or make deal with a friend or a family member.

They do have special comb with a blade in them that will keep it manageable, I paid a $1.00 for it, long time ago..

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

For long hair which I have . I would stand in front of the mirrior and part my hair in the middle. Just like you are gonna make two pony tails. When its parted I put my hair in front of me. Then I would cut the one side first. Make sure that you're standing up straight. Then the other side the same way. Then I would come it to see if there even . If not I cut a little more until it looks straight. For me the first time that I cut my hair. It was scary. but it came out straight . It was'nt bad for being the first time. so now I do it by myself all the time now.

Tips on cutting hair yourself?

dont do it because you could damage your hair and have to pay more than what was needed the first time.

Where can i find yahoo group intersted in long hair styles and cutting too?

u can search on yahoo

Where can i find yahoo group intersted in long hair styles and cutting too?


How can i make my long curly black hair thinner without cutting it?

please help

How can i make my long curly black hair thinner without cutting it?

If you think your hair is to 'puffy/big' looking put a leave in creme rinse after you wash it. The rinse will tame it down.

How can i make my long curly black hair thinner without cutting it?

pull it out?

How can i make my long curly black hair thinner without cutting it?

probably if you used a relaxer, but something light that wouldn't make it completely flat and straight.

How can i make my long curly black hair thinner without cutting it?

Go to the hairdressers and get it thinned out

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

i have long!!!! blonde hair I don't want to cut it any shorter and I want to keep my side swept bangs (going for punky emo look) how should I cut it

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

Check with a stylist, it will depend on the shape of your face.

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

wiyh sissors

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

Go for broke just cute it all off

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

If you want to keep it long and keep your bangs the only think I can think of to make a change is to put some dramatic layering into it.

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

have it layered and have some low lights put in it

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

Get some layers. That would be CUTE!!!!

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

get the razor layers...they "razor" cut ur hair and the layers come out great so u get a lil bit of a rock look..i got it and it was a MAJOR change but it came out amazing

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

There's nothing sexier than a girl with a buzz-cut. It shows confidence and is really hot to boot.

Cutting my hair soon how should I cut it?

you know what, get a change chop it off. i had hair to my waist and i cut it into a short textured bob, just 4 days ago and it feels great. you'll get lots of compliments, cuz its so different. hope you do it.

Have Fun and good luck!

Im thinking of cutting my hair.?

I want to make the hair on the front on the sides and on the back long. but if i do that, my hair gets really puffy cuz i have damaged hair from the chlorine from swimming team. so im think of growing all my hair out except cut the top part so it looks a bit smaller. if any of you know what naruto is, sorta like his hair without his headband. like long hair but spikey top. also im a scene/emo style so yeah, if that helps. and my hair is black. i was wondering if it would work

Im thinking of cutting my hair.?

I'm one girl who has a weakness for longer hair on a guy. So please do grow it. Now for naruto style I'm sure it depends on your hair and the products you'd use. I don't know what an emo is. I'm sure naruto's hair could be done with gel alone. Please don't make it look like a mullet. If you're gonna go Naruto then good, if you're gonna grow it out then good but not mullet short on top and long on bottom unless there's a better style than mullet where short/long can be accomplished.

Cutting mens hair?

i am going to try to cut my hubbys hair tonight and if he dont like it he will get it cut professionally tomorrow.

so now, the top seems easy, but how are the sides cut? diagrams?

Cutting mens hair?

Here are 2 great articles:'s_Hair_Cu...

Cutting mens hair?

Use a tapper attachment on the clipper. If he has long hair and you are going to use a scissors, don't try. That takes training.

Cutting mens hair?

I do my hubbies hair all the time I do the sides with a scissors and an electric clipper

How do u get rid of baby hair....without like cutting it?


How do u get rid of baby hair....without like cutting it?

I have the same problem!

I have no clue though.

Ask your hair stylist

How do u get rid of baby hair....without like cutting it?

Waxing or using hair removal creams are an option. Waxing is painful so I would suggest hair removal creams. Veet works great and is not expensive! Just apply it on the area and remove it after 3 mins. The directions are on the back of it. I don't think there is any other way besides the two options I have just mentioned.

Hope I helped hun! =]

How do u get rid of baby hair....without like cutting it?

tease it,then brush hard trough where you teased

My mum loves cutting my hair into a very short boyish slope cut. what should i do?

My mum loves very very short boyish slope cut with buzzed side burns and nape. She cuts my hair for me. She shaves around my ear. She also cuts my bangs very very short. She uses a shaver to cut my hair. i m a 10 year old gal.

My mum loves cutting my hair into a very short boyish slope cut. what should i do?

ohh... what kind of hair do u have dear.. do they grow well? If yes, once u r a little older u can tell ur mom to let u grow ur hair.

If they don't grow well, ur mom maybe trying to keep them short. But still trying something new would be a nice idea.

Try to convince ur mom that u want to try something new and let them grow. I think ur hair should be allowed to grow once so that u can see how a different style would look on u.

One more thing... how about just talking to ur mom and trying to find out why does she cut ur hair??

My mum loves cutting my hair into a very short boyish slope cut. what should i do?

Tell her you don't want her cutting your hair like that.

Usually by 7th grade (12-13 years old) kids are allowed to choose their own hair style.

My mum loves cutting my hair into a very short boyish slope cut. what should i do?

ask to go to a hairdresser no little girl should have to go through that

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

So my wife wants me to cut her hair. We are trying to save money, so this is a start. Does anyone have any tricks or information that may be useful to help me do this. I am not an idiot, I have cut many of my friends hair and my brothers many times, so I know how hair works. Thanks!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

then you should be just fine.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Just take little bits off at a time so you can think about what your doing. and dont do anything toooo darastic or you myt find yourself sleeping outside for the night!!!!!! lol : P

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Don't make it to short or uneven and you should be good

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

A tip would be to cut it slowly. The worse thing that could happen is you cut it too short and she hates it. If you cut it nice and slowly she can help coach you and let you know exactly how she wants it. If you don't cut enough, you can cut more. But if you cut too much off you gotta wait for it to grow back.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

if your friends are women then you should be ok cutting your wifes hair

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

If you've done it before, then you have the basic idea. Just take your time. And keep it simple

Unfortunately, you probably do not know how to style a womans hair... So, If that bothers her, I would save up 11 dollars and go to supercuts.

either way, its just hair! If she doesnt like it, it can be fixed, and it will grow back!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

sectioning is the key!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

mkae sure the sides are even...last time my mom cut my hair she made mine lopsided and i didn't notice until the next day at school!!!-good luck from lucky 7

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

She's either crazy or trusts you with all her heart.

Only advice- nothing too drastic!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

This is very confusing. Your cutting her hair to save money? How is this saving money? Just refrain from getting it "done" every week. Anyway, put her hair in several rubber bands to contain it all. Then cut right above when you want it. Then cut to even it out. Send the hair to wigs for kids.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

tell her to wash her hair first. get a thin comb and gradually make her hair straight and slick. if all she wants is a trim, start layer by layer, working your way around her head. make sure each section is about this big: ________

good luck!

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

just be careful....

a wife's hair is more important than a friend's....

and plus she lives with you so if you mess up you're screwed...

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Well, you could give her the sexy looking hair that is easy to maintain.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

Don't cut her hair - go to a technical college where the trainee hairdressers do it for less money.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

So if you've done this before, you shouldn't have any problems. The only thing, make sure your wife likes it and looks good, or you won't be saving any money, especially if she has to go to the hairdresser and get it fixed.

Cutting my wife's hair tonight.?

I trust you

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

Hey. I'm going to the salon tomarrow and I'd like some advice.

Right now I have: Oval face, green eyes, warmish caucasian skin, long and thick medium blonde hair (natural) with a couple of sparse low and highlights. This pic of Kiera Knightley (who everyone says I look a LOT like) looks pretty much like my hair only hers is a touch darker than mine.

I want to make my hair edgier and I've been looking at cutting it like these:

What do you think? Is it still sexy? Would it hide my eyes? Could it still work if I didn't always straighten my curly/wavy hair? I'm trying to darken it so I'm also getting lowlights. I don't want to spend too much money, but will that be enough to override my blonde? Any suggestions?

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

Well, that's a pretty loaded question...... of course those look are different... very cool too....... but that is truly a decsion that YOU need to be comforatble with...I have a bit of hard time giving hair cut/style without SEEING show me the cuts....but the question is does the cut/color suit YOU...your life style....your job or your school??

Hair needs to work within your world.... is my feeling....

personally I think everyone should go /europe the color and cuts are so much crazier than here.....

we are so conservative here.!

There are some additional pics sure to go all the way back to the start

KillerPics . blogspot . com

you will find something you like here

everyone does

it wins BEST ANSWER constantly

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

i think that u should cut it like the third pic u have posted, just an inch or two longer, and the bangs wont cover ur eyes, it would draw attention to them, i think u would look cute...

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

It wouldn't work very well with unstraightened hair, and I just don't like that cut. It's very unflattering, and it has no volume. I think you should just keep your hair like Kiera's. It looks gorgeous!!

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

that cut it choppy and edgy so you have to be aware that some of your regular hairstyles may not work with the cut...but if youre ready for the change go for it

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

Those haircuts don't really work well if you don't straighten. It depends sometimes. But I know I have one that is similar, and it doesn't look very well curly, unless done a certain way.

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

check the links below for beauty tips to:-- * Hairstyle ideas / suggestions-

Hair Cut and Color for Long Hair (some pics too!)?

Wow bold choice but i love Hayley's hair!

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

My pubic hair was a little "over grown" and I though it looked kinda strange, so I gave it like a 1/2 inch trim. When I did this though, it kinda hurt and itched for about a week. I have no idea why... I thought it would be no different than if you cut your hair on any other place on your body.I guess I was wrong... Is there any way to prevent the itch after you give it a slight trim?

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

Maybe there is some info in the article below that can give you some tips for future shaving. For now, put "itch" cream on it. It is OK, you didn't permanently damage yourself or anything. I have shaved public hair on me and it was very itchy for at least a week. Made me regret doing it. This will sound absurd but the pubic hair is coarse. When you trim it, you are making the edges all even and it is like little 'hard pieces of hair' now sticking up. If you put shampoo conditioner on the hair when you shower and then rinse, it will soften the hair. I know, sounds bizarre. But because pubic hair is coarse, this is one way to soften it when you are having the kind of problem you are describing. Even putting hair conditioner on it that you leave in. The kind of hair conditioner that you would use on your scalp that is. Some of it you don't wash out. What you want is to soften the hairs.

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

do your homework

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

Try using lotion daily after you trim. This should help.

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

just trimming it shouldn't have made it itch, make sure you wash thoroughly after

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

Talkampowder dont ask why i know this.

It really does work.

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

probably you might have cut it too short and instead of curling under pressure it poked into yours skin, making you notice it's there, and made you itchy. just don't cut it as short next time.

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

the itch was the hair regrowing. try lotion

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

use lotion or baby powder yuo have to keep it mousturized . good luck

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

use a safety razor and jell, baby oil after.

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?


Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

This is puzzling. If you cut it too short then the regrowth would cause itching. Next time you decide to do this make sure you wash very good first then use some gold bond medicated powder. Hopefully this will help.

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

shorten it but dont shave everything

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

baby oil or lotion should do the trick!

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

I have had the same problem and i found that the reason they itch is because the hair is rubbing against your skin and irritating it the best thing to do is cut the in the bath and make sure they are not too short. The best thing to do is get you hair permanently or semi-permanently removed by being waxed or by shaving the hair as it will be less irritating if completely removed. However if you are just looking for a solution use a little moisturizer everyday after you wash.

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

Yull get the grip of it...

The first two times I shaved it itched like Fkn HELL !!

But after that I didnt feel anything =)

So theres nothing you can do

All you need is patience young maaann !!

It will take maybe another week or less if your lucky =)

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

usually the 1st 1 or 2 times u mess with ur hair down there it burns a little but ur body eventually gets used 2 it and becomes less irritated

Cutting my pubic hair resulted in it itching and hurting for a week or so. How do I prevent this?

well i cant imagine why you got razor burn without a razor

if you really wanna shave get some cootchy they sell it in porn shops ebay adam and eve too timid works great

FInally cutting my hair but need help!?

So I have really long hair right now and I am finally wanting to cut it off. I love having long hair but am getting tired of it always in my eyes and getting annoyed with everyone telling me to cut it. My hair is dark brown, really straight and soft so I can't get anything curly or thick. Any ideas or pictures would be a huge help, just something short and messy is what I'm thinking, thanks!!

FInally cutting my hair but need help!?

kinda hard to see but i think that is so cuteee !

FInally cutting my hair but need help!?

Like what the first answer suggested or a cut like Johnny Depp

FInally cutting my hair but need help!?

you should cut your hair like zac efron or like jason dolley

Hair cut / highlighted?

Well I want to get my hair cut today..but I havent washed it since Friday. I really dont want to have to go home, take a shower and put make-up back on, and Ive heard that if you want to dye your hair its best to do it when its not freshly washed. Is the person cutting my hair going to hate me bc my hair is dirty. Its not oily or anything but I do have a slight case of drandruff.

Hair cut / highlighted?


Believe you me, we hairdressers have seen a lot worse and a bit of grgreasee and dandruff in peoples hair..

You can eas your hair the day before a colour, its not a problem. The hair is hard to work with if its freshly washed, that's all.. it gets static and fly away and the idea is we get the colour on as quickly as possible so that it all develops at the same rate.

Hair cut / highlighted?

no its there job and ur paying for it lol


Hair cut / highlighted?

I got mine done a couple of weeks ago without washing it for a few days and it was a bit oily and I had a bit of dandruff, but they didn't notice (Although if the girl cared, I'm sure she wouldn't have said anything)

I'm cutting my hair and I need hairstyle suggestions?

I cut my hair into a buzz cut last September and has let it grown since then. Now it's about 3-4 inches long, all around.

I am asian with straight black hair, kind of like my avatar.

I'm looking to trim it a bit, maybe even cut some. Give me some suggestions, preferably with pictures.

Also, I don't want to cut it down to a buzz cut again.

I'm cutting my hair and I need hairstyle suggestions?

love this cut on guys, i give it all the time. would look really good on dark hair. must be willing to put about 2 min of work into it in order for it to look good though!

I'm cutting my hair and I need hairstyle suggestions?

I think you should go to your local news agents and buy a fashion based magazine for men and decide for yourself because its up to you,

I like a guys hair to look like bruce lees was in the green hornet like this picture here....

Is Kuwait a good place to start a barber shop? How much money can you make cutting peoples hair in K

Yes, Kuwait is good place to start barber shop. Hair cutting charges, per head is barely US$ 5.00.

I hope you can make good business here.

Is Kuwait a good place to start a barber shop? How much money can you make cutting peoples hair in Kuwait?

in a war zone ?! no.

Is Kuwait a good place to start a barber shop? How much money can you make cutting peoples hair in Kuwait?

I don't think so. most people in their culture never cut their hair or beards.

Is Kuwait a good place to start a barber shop? How much money can you make cutting peoples hair in Kuwait?

not very much

Is Kuwait a good place to start a barber shop? How much money can you make cutting peoples hair in Kuwait?

Yes, you can! It depends from where your originating from, as there are so many saloons for women here in Kuwait. Mostly Lebanese, Filipino, Indian and Egyptians have saloons in pvt. Here you get mens saloons open 24hrs in most areas. All the time, you see men cutting their hair at odd times of the day and also they cut their hair every week or some every two other days. So I guess, if your a professional in hair cutting, you can give it a try. But you have to get a sponsor for this to open a new saloon and cannot do it illegally.

Is Kuwait a good place to start a barber shop? How much money can you make cutting peoples hair in Kuwait?

Yeah, a women's special parlor would be a nice idea. There are a lot of rich women there.

You ever have a haridresser press her titts against ur head for the whole time shes cutting ur hair?


You ever have a haridresser press her titts against ur head for the whole time shes cutting ur hair?

no. How can she cut your hair if her t!ts are in the way?

You ever have a haridresser press her titts against ur head for the whole time shes cutting ur hair?

I never let women cut my hair for that precise reason. Cougars are especially forward with their fun bags

You ever have a haridresser press her titts against ur head for the whole time shes cutting ur hair?

mmm **** yea i remember that now

You ever have a haridresser press her titts against ur head for the whole time shes cutting ur hair?

hell yeah that happened yesterday.

Ideas for cutting hair[Details]?

My Info:

Face Shape(Hair is gross from Soccer);...

That how my hair is if i just blow dry it. But usually i let it dry itself and then straighten it.

I'm not sure how i should do my hair but i was thinking like this:

and if that isn't right does anyone have ideas?

Please and Thank you. = )

Ideas for cutting hair[Details]?

my god noooooo.

that would look so bad with your face shape

Ideas for cutting hair[Details]?

i like it =]

Ideas for cutting hair[Details]?

i would say no because your face is already pretty round and those bangs cut straight across like that are only good for people with thinner, oval faces.

stick to side bangs...i like it how you have it now.

Ideas for cutting hair[Details]?

i think you should leave your hair length

and just get some layers

dont get short layers

and dont cut your banes.

because if you straighten your hair with that hairstyle, it would actually make your face look less round.


How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them & w/o cutting my hair short...

thru the way i dress...or perhaps the way i accessorize ideas??

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Get yourself one of those "Noone knows I'm a lesbian" T-shirts?

Makeout with chicks in front of everyone/anyone?

Why? What's the point?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

wear some rainbows?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Does it really matter if you prove it to the world? You only have to prove it to yourself. If you are out and find a girl you like, get to know her and just keep her informed.

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Why would you feel the need to prove it to anyone? Who the hell would care?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Why do you need to prove anything?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Auto - drive a pickup truck (a big one) or a Subaru Outback

Clothes - wear sweat pants and t-shirt or sweatshirt, all plain (no logos or words, just plain colors), don't wear makeup, wear only studs instead of dangling jewelry

Activities - cut down trees with a chainsaw, go hunting

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

If u really are then you wouldnt be such a problem proving to people you are. Why prove urself to other?

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

i dont think thats nothing to brag about if u read the bible it says GOD doesnt believe in girls and girls going together he put adam and eve in the garden not eve and eve

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Honey being a lesbian is your sexual preference. It really has nothing to do with your fashion style.You should be the best person you can be on the inside and you'll attract the right woman for the right reasons. I have short hair but I prefer men. So what? Life is more than looks! Be Beautiful where it counts. The Heart.

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Plaid shirts are definitely the way to go!

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

If you feel you have to "prove" you are, then you probably aren't. I'm not, but those that "choose" that lifestyle stand out, without having to prove anything.

What makes you think that anyone wants you to prove it anyway? Most people could care less who you sleep with.

My ideas are to read the Bible. Come back to the man/woman relationship that God intended you to be in. You wouldn't be having to ask questions like this if being a lesbian was truly in your heart, or the will of God.

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

why do you need to prove to people your sexual orientation? thats lame

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

Dear, you don't have to prove anything. who is to say what a lesbian should "look" like? I have been friends with some that are very feminine, who wear dresses and makeup? and others who look like men. it is all not in your appearence. Continue to dress how you always have or what is more comfortable for you. Do not worry about anyone else's opinion. and if bible thumpers get on your case, they should remember this, was it not in the "Bible" about not judging others lest ye be judged? Best Wishes

How do i prove to people that im a lesbian...without telling them %26amp; w/o cutting my hair short...?

I struggle to understand why you need to prove ur sexuality. i wouldn't bother, and let people either not believe you, or realise when you pull a girl.

And anyway, from what I've been told, short hair and dungarees ar not very sexy in the lesbian world. So just be who you want to be and try not to worrry about proving anything to anyone. And if it's a potential girlfriend then snogging her is one way of proving things, I'll leave it up to u how else ud prove it to her.

Im thinking about cutting my hair short and dying it...?

I might cut my hair a little bit above my shoulders because i already had it that lenght before but it grew back..i think i might cut in short layers...and im thinking aboout dying the bottom half of my hair darkpink but i dont know if i should??

I know that dying it DarkPink sounds a little bit wierd but its because i have a unique style lol =]

Im thinking about cutting my hair short and dying it...?

Yeah,do it! be adventurous I mean,you only live once why not?! =D

plus,I think that would look cute!

Im thinking about cutting my hair short and dying it...?

go4it that guy above me moose is gay dont listen 2 him

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barb

or can you grow your hair after bootcamp?

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

you can have some hair, within regulations. and you will have to a) do it yourself or b) pay for a barber, which you will find on any military installation

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

You do your paying

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

Plenty of Barbers on every base. You won't have a problem finding them.

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?


Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

im pretty sure the military cuts your hair after maybe 4-5 inches?

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

you must keep your hair within regulation. for marines, you can have up to 3 inches long on top, but it looks jacked up because you need at least a medium fade. as well, we're expected to get it cut once a week.

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

u have to pay for it but there are barbers all over the base

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

DAMN, they make ya pay for ALL your haircuts, even boot camp.

Do you have to keep cutting your own hair after boot camp or does the military provide you with barbers?

The military has rules about hair length. You will learn what it is in boot camp.

After boot camp, you will pay for your own haircuts just like anybody else.

Cutting My Hair??

My hair is at butt-length, and I want to know if I should cut it. The shortest I want it is my shoulders, but should I cut it? Im just afraid it won't grow back, but if I do cut it im giving to to 'Locks For Love'

Cutting My Hair??

. Ya, hair grows forever, at least until U get Real old, like 16 or 17.

It sound real attractive. U don't have a pic?

Here's an idea: Y not 'auction' it off at a church or school function? The highest Bidder, maybe it goes for $100!, gets to cut it ALL off! The $$ goes to charity, and the bidder can give the hair to L4L.

Even if it's cut to the scalp, it grows back quick. Check out this famous singer @ ; .........

You'll be Famous around yur school if it's done in the auditorium. in front of 500 kids!

Cutting My Hair??

i did locks of love...

and my hair was as long as urs...

and now its at my shoulders...

i love it...

and my hair is growing back...

youll feel good about giving to a charity!

i think u should cut it to ur shoulders

Cutting My Hair??

i think you should cut it but not too short. like the length of your mid-back. im trying to grow mine out and its taking forever.

Cutting My Hair??

I know most people with really long hair don't want to hear this, but it rarely looks good. Also, it's all people notice about you, not your pretty face. I'm sure you get a ton of compliments about it and I'm sure it's gorgeous hair, but I'll bet you could find a hair style that looks better on you and make your face more noticeable. I'm voting for cut it.

Cutting My Hair??

cut it to your ribs so you can do it like this

use big fat curling iron ...if you use a skinny one it will look really curly and spiraly and you wont like it so remember big and fat curling iron

Cutting My Hair??

You can sell your long hair at:

I am 11 I want some steps on how to do some cute hairstyles without cutting my hair can someone give

steps? on how to

I am 11 I want some steps on how to do some cute hairstyles without cutting my hair can someone give me some?

I'll help you.. If you give details on what your hair is like now..

Cutting hair extensions??

I have american dream hair extensions the clip ins.I wont to wear them tommorow but think they could do with just a little trim.

I dont have time to go to the hair dressers do you think i should try doing it myself?

Cutting hair extensions??

Yeah, I think you should if it's just a straight across trim. It'll be fine. One of my friend's cut layers into mine for me and it went great, but I wouldn't try cutting layers just in case!

Cutting hair extensions??

Yes you can as long as the scissors are very sharp so you get a nice straight cut.!!

Cutting hair extensions??

yea u should try doin it urself

and dont be lazy

Cutting hair extensions??

Absolutely not. I am a hairdresser, and if you value your hair piece then take it to the professionals. One wrong snip and it will never be the same again. Don't cut it yourself!!

(besides who you gonna blame if you mess up.. if they mess it up you can scream and cuss and get a replacement.. but if you mess it up all u can do is scream and cuss..)

Cutting hair extensions??

If you think you can you should buy some cutting scissors or a cutting razor, and dont cut straight across!

How can you get rid of split ends without cutting your hair?

You can't.

Perhaps a more important question is, though, what's the big deal about cutting your hair? Hair grows half an inch or more per month, which means if you get an eighth of an inch trimmed off every six to eight weeks, your hair will continue to grow out.

How can you get rid of split ends without cutting your hair?

i think there are shampoos%26amp;conditioners to help stop split ends that you can get at any store that sells hair products. :)

How can you get rid of split ends without cutting your hair?

Sorry if I sound like a betch, but you can't.

There are moisturizing products that say they repair them, but they just hydrate the hair so that no more will happen. Hair is dead and once the split happens, there's no way of "healing" the split.

How can you get rid of split ends without cutting your hair?

pick em out one by one ;)

How can you get rid of split ends without cutting your hair?

You can't. They have to get trimmed off. If you don't get them trimmed off they will split further and further up the hair shaft and will cause breakage. Get a trim every 4-6 weeks depending on how fast your hair grows. You can reduce split ends by using less heat (e.g. blowdrying, curling iron, flat iron, hot rollers, etc...) and always putting a product specifically made for thermal heat styles in your hair before the heat to protect the hair.

How can you get rid of split ends without cutting your hair?

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Dry hair / Oily-greasy hair/ Splitends / Fruit Packs for scalp

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

I recently dyed my hair a dark burgandy.

and i want to cut my hair (a small trim)

i heard that if you have highlights and cut even a bit of your hair, the highlights will disappear.

so i wanted to know if dyed hair will also disappear when i cut it.

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

that is completely false. dye dyes your hair (hence the name) and cutting your hair will not affect it at all. what you may have heard is that if you begin to grow out your dyed hair and the top half of your hair is natural and the bottom half is dyed then you can cut of the dyed bits and make your hair natural again, but that is completely logical. i hope this makes sense!

Cutting dyed hair truth or false? could hair dye just magically disappear?

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

no!!!! dnt be stupid, dye stays on your hair but if you cut from the top of the highlights only then will they disappear, you will be fine with a small trim

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

no don't worry about it thats totally not true cause i do it all the time.

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

NOPE false

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

That is completely false, whoever said that is ignorant

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

No of course not. I've cut my colored hair many times.

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

no, that's silly

Cutting dyed hair truth or false?

that's 110% false :]

it's just that when your hair starts to grow your roots will grow and.. yeah =P

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

Dove has a lot of shampoos/conditioners for hair repair.

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

Get a special shampoo and/or conditioner!

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

use herbal essences in breaks over, it works really well for split ends.

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

there are shampoo/conditioners that are espicially for split ends

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

There are great shampoos, conditioners, and leave-in conditioners/sprays that moisturize hair and repair split ends. Here are some good kinds.

Garnier Fructis is great!

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

Use a hot oil treatment, or use warm olive oil, but make sure that you wash it out!

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

i use Aussie 3-minute deep conditioner...

it works really well and leaves my hair smooth and silky..

it also makes my hair stronger...

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

Split ends CANNOT be repaired. But a good gel can seal the ends so they are no so obvious. Regular trims are the best so the hair does not continue to split up the shaft.

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

There really isn't much you can do to try and get rid of split ends, and to be honest, many of the products mentioned here, are not of the best quality. Just cut the split ends, then use some sort of thermal protection hairspray if you use a curling iron or flat iron, etc. I don't know how to get rid of split ends, but I know how to prevent them. Just take extra good care of your hair using only the best products made specifically for keeping your hair healthy, and you'll be set for healthy hair!

What are other solutions to repairing split ends besides cutting my hair?

Try a salon quality shampoo and/or conditioner, pail mitchell, biolage etc. then if and when you do straighten or blow dry your hair use thermal protection sprays, chi, tresemme.

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

I have very long one length straight hair and side bangs...

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

wait ur cutting ur own hair!!

if i were yu i wouldn't becasue it might come out uneven unless ur like rly good at hair. If I were yu i would go to the hair salon.

But if yu r i would have a friend with yu to tell yu if the back is even and to help yu and stuff

good luck!!=]

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

lots of layers, and side bangs...

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

if you want to create layers use a razor blade rather than scissors. otherwise, you will just look butchered rather than like you've got a professional do :D

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

Tip: If you're not 100% sure what your doing, go to a professional.

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

well, what do you want to do to it? just straight accross isnt hard... i cut my own hair and i have layers... LOTS of them... cutting hair is pretty simple

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

i wouldn't to risky for me wat if u mess up go to the salon

Cutting my own hair... tips PLEASE!?!?

If you decide to cut your long hair you can sell it at:

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregn

i have long brown hair.

need money please anwser this question

want to sell hair

have lot of hair

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregnantHELP?

You can sell your long hair at:

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregnantHELP?

I don't think you can sell your hair anywhere most of the time you can only donate your hair towards a cause like Locks for Love or something like that

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregnantHELP?

If you have a change of heart and want to simply donate is a worthy cause.

Locks of Love

They use your hair for making wigs for children who have lost their hair due to their battles with cancer.

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregnantHELP?


here is the site so you can learn more about how you can sell your hair:

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregnantHELP?

i don't think you can get money from it but give it to cancer!! locks of love! !

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregnantHELP?

I dont think people will pay you for your hair, your just gonna have to donate it..

I have a lot of hair that im cutting off. does anyone know where i can sell it?P.s. im severly pregnantHELP?

I don't know of any place that purchases hair, although there might be some. Find out the names of the major wig manufacturers and check each one's website.

The demand for wigs has decreased a lot, and the synthetics have gotten better, too.

Cutting toddlers hair?

Can anyone give me some step by step advice on cutting a 2 yr old boys hair.

My usual hairdresser who will tolerate his screaming fits left the hairdressers and i have no idea where she is now. He's such a baby when he goes to the hairdressers that i'm thinking of having a go myself at home.

He HATES the clippers so a grade 2 all over is a no go.


Cutting toddlers hair?

let him sit on the table or counter, anywhere he is not allowed to be normally. then give him the chance to play with the clippers (with you right there of course), he really can't cut himself as long as the attachment is on it. use one size up in the attach. and let him do the first strip. then change the attac. so you can fix the strip. it may even be a stop and go thing. it takes probably an hour to do my sons hair. but let him run around for a bit, remember its hard to make any little person sit for very long.

Cutting toddlers hair?

Oh my gosh--you really brought back memories! I have boys who are now teenagers,and they also hated getting their hair cut when they were toddlers! I only WISH that were the biggest problem I have with them now.LOL.

Just give lots of positive reinforcement if and when he does get a haircut without a meltdown.Eventually they outgrow this fear.

Good luck:-)

Cutting toddlers hair?

If doing it your self, sit him in front of the tv, or a fish tank, so he is occupied, and then you can cut his hair! Same goes if going to the hairdressers, take something that he really likes to play with. Hope this helps you.

Cutting toddlers hair?

I am going to watch this question because I am having the same problem with my 2 year old son. I just took him to Hair Cuttery to get his hair cut and he cried and screamed the whole time. He tolerated the scissors a little better than the clippers. Funny thing, he calmed down a little when we took the cape off him. I think next time I will ask them not to put that on him and I'll just deal with the hair on his clothes. Do you remember the Flowbe (those clippers that would attach to the vacuum cleaner)? I was thinking of getting that, until I realized that not only does my son hate clippers, but he also hates vacuum cleaners! Good luck to both of us!

Cutting toddlers hair?

make him occupied let him do what he likes most even if its something you normally dont let him do

i have a 2 yr old just cut his hair myself 3 days ago he was watching CBBS it took me 2 min to finish

Cutting toddlers hair?

my son was great at first untill one time i took him to a new hairdresser and now he screams before we even get in the door of the place. I know it sounds cruel but I just found a hair dresser who will ignore his crying and cut it anyway. Hair cuts do not hurt and if you let them scream and get out of it once they know to do it again next time. I just sit my son on my knee and hold him firmly while the hairdresser does the best job she can. They'll grow out of it!

Cutting toddlers hair?

omg y are u cutting his hair?

baby hair is beautiful !!!

just let it grow it will sooooo cute !!

Cutting toddlers hair?

My little boy HATES having his hair cut at the salon so much. He would embarrass me to no end every time so I bought some clippers and sat down at the kitchen table with him in my lap, some toys ,books and a sucker and his dad turned it on for a few minutes until he got used to the noise and then while I was reading him a book, his dad cut his hair and he didn't even seem to notice it.

Cutting toddlers hair?

Well you can have him sit on your lap at the hair dressers, that may make him feel a little more comfortable than him sitting there alone. Or if you want to attempt at home, give him the clippers let him check them out for a minute, then turn them on and let him look at them on, put your hand on the edge of the clippers and show him your hand so that he can see that they won't cut him, finally let him cut his hair when he is done just tell him mommy wants to fix a couple spots. If you give him a mirror to look and see what you are doing that may help too.

Cutting toddlers hair?

I cut my sons- a little off the ends while he is in the tub or sitting on the vanity looking in the mirror. I just go slow and get what I can. He doesn't really like it (a lot of "momma no cut hair ok") but it is better than it was. He did ok a few times then my DH buzzed his hair with the clippers and set him off big time. Since then he hates to get it cut and will actually touch it to see how much you have cut. The first few times I cut it, I cut my bangs a little to show him it was ok and I cut the dogs hair to show that she liked it and I had him help with her cut by giving her treats. He now loves to help cut the dogs hair and after he will ask if his hair needs cuts too-it's cute.

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

I have half back length curly,dark,unmanageable hair.I really want to cut it to shoulder length hair but I don't want it to get too frizzy or out-of-control type.Do you think I should cut it or not?

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?


Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

I got my hair (which was the same length) cut to just below my shoulders about one year ago. I'm so glad I did it. For once, my curls were somewhat defined! I would suggest getting some layers toward the ends and definitely thinning the ends.

Good luck!!


Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

i think you should but talk to a profesional and try non over counter products that you find at stores try using profesional products i know it costs but ,if your willing it will make your hair so much better , now i have to use over the counter stuff cause i am just poor like that lol i use sunsilk shampoo it seems to work very well but be carefull i asked a profesional once why is it that it is so mucher cheaper its because its alchol based , i have unmangeable wacy hair if your wondering try sunsilk after getting it cutt if you want but your forwarned :) it works for me but not everyones hair is the same . good luck !

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

bob,shagg,or a perm for control. for a shampoo an conditioner try control freak it controls frizz an a staightener.

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

not a problem at all

in fact short wavy hair or curly hair is hip and looks sexy....if you use the right products then your hair wont be firzzy at all

wat you got tod o is first get the right hair cut irrespective of the length...besides cuttign it short wll make it more manageable

then use shampoos that are basically designed for wavy curly hair..u get wonderful product s fm matrix and loreal then use a curl definer m ousse or spray and crunch those curls withthe palmas of your hands to d3efine them

then youll see that your blessed with this hair... and youll look hot!

if you decide to cut it long

then a neat bun with curls falling on your face looks girlie and pretty

or you can pin it up with a chopstick

half ponies look great

Cutting my curly/wavy hair?

i had the same length curly hair that you do before i cut it. i wouldnt suggest cutting it shoulder length because i did that and i coulnt manage it. i then cut it shorter, to about the middle of my cheek...i LOVE it. its soooo much easier to manage...but make sure that ur stylist textures it or else it curls wishes on ur decision...

I have a pretty masculine hairline, has anyone heard of people cutting there hair so it looks like &

around their face? I don't want bangs.

I have a pretty masculine hairline, has anyone heard of people cutting there hair so it looks like "baby hair"

i've seen women that have done this. they part their hair along the hairline using a fine tooth comb, the ones with the long stick at the end. a very fine line/part. then they use a razor to cut the hair to about 2/3cm. the hair usually doesn't lay flat so they use a little hair gel to smooth it down. then tie a scarf around their hair so the baby hair has a little wave to it. if u do it urself, start at the side and try it out before u just all out start cutting. obviously if it looks ok then continue, but if not go to the salon.

I have a pretty masculine hairline, has anyone heard of people cutting there hair so it looks like "baby hair"

just tell the salonist how you want it cut but be sure to tell her no bangs

I have a long straight black hair and want to change the style without cutting em.?

All my life, I've been keeping my hair long with its natural straight type. I would like to get my hair curled without cutting it. Any photos of long curled black hair for me to refer to. Thank you.

I have a long straight black hair and want to change the style without cutting em.?

My hair is black and I wear it like really wavy sometimes and I get compliments. And sometimes I curl it up at the ends and everybody likes it that way too.

I have a long straight black hair and want to change the style without cutting em.?

go for it! It's really sexy! Here's some images:

I have a long straight black hair and want to change the style without cutting em.?

If you don't like using curlers, you can always braid it the night before, (if your hair is stubbornly straight like my friend's is, spray some hairspray on it after) and when you wake up, spray hairpray once more, it'll last through the whole kind of gives a pretty wavy but not big wavy hair.

And since your mood changes time to time, you might want striaght too, so maybe you shouldn't perm it.

the braided hair way ends up like this.

I have a long straight black hair and want to change the style without cutting em.?

wow, that sounds really pretty.

i think you should do it.(:

Cutting hair at home catching the hair???

what can i use to catch the hair so it doesn't go all over the bathroom?

Cutting hair at home catching the hair???

A towel or an old bed sheet. Then shake it out outside on the grass. What the earth doesn't absorb, the birds will love to use as a nest.

Cutting hair at home catching the hair???

I use a towel, and then shake the hair out on the grass in the yard where it can blow away.

Cutting hair at home catching the hair???

A towel or sheet

Cutting hair at home catching the hair???

You don' just put a towel around your shoulders and clean up your mess when your done...or have someone cut it for you outside.....That's what my mom used to do....

Cutting hair at home catching the hair???

old newspaper

Cutting hair at home catching the hair???

you can't really "catch" it unless you want a big hastle.

i cut hair at my house and just vaccuum it up! or if it's warm enough uotside do it there! it's soooooo much easier!

Does cutting hair make it grow faster?

Not exactly the hair on your head but facial hair, and other hair on your arms,legs,etc.

Does cutting hair make it grow faster?

Nope. That is an old wives tale.

Does cutting hair make it grow faster?

Nope. The average growth is aprox. half an inch a month. Hair can grow a bit faster when the climate is warmer though. Cutting hair has no effect on growth.

Does cutting hair make it grow faster?

no but plants do

Does cutting hair make it grow faster?

No I don't think it does. Basically, it gets rid of the icky hair ends so you can have healthier hair and so your hair doesn't have split ends that lead to breakage.

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

I have electtic clipers, like the ones used on people, will they work on dog? I have a 1/2" adapter, how well will that work? I dont want to sheer him to the skin, but I want to cut off some of the length.

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

You can use human clippers but its best to use the ones designed for pets. Use a long guard and shave with the direction of the hair growth. That should do for a trim.

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

my step dad has to take his chow to the vet and have him put under in order to cut her hair

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

Do it- I've clipped my dogs before and they looked fine.

Trim your own while you're at it...

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

The sound of the clippers might make the dog nervous. I've used scissors on my dogs before. Sometimes they don't look so great afterwards, but the hair grows back soon. If the goal is just to get some hair off the dog so he's cooler, scissors work fine.

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

It will work, or have the dog groomer do it for you. how old is the dog? I had a Chow/Pitt and he was 10 yrs old. It has been too dang hot outside and he couldn't stay cool so I took him and was to have his trimmed but when I picked him up they shave him completely. Well, guess what "His hair never grew back." Since then I had to used blankets and jackets during the winter time. The vet said the older the dog are the chances of them growing their hair back is very slim.

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

usually the ones for people are not as powerful as grooming shears. Go to a professional groomer if you are uncertain how to do it.

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

take it to a dog groomer

I need help on cutting my dogs hair. He is a chow shepherd mix.?

i would take him do a dog groomer to get him clipped. They are generally pretty reasonable and more experienced with this.

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

i have a very furry persian cat that i need to shave (he sheds like crazy in the winter)

everytime i buy a razor machine it never works, anyone ever used a good pet razor before? looks for the brand and where to buy it.


Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?


Why get a long haired cat if you are not willing to deal with it properly?

You should be brushing him gently on a daily basis. He will love it once he gets used to it, and you won't have to be concerned with the heavy shedding, and it will help preclude hairballs from forming.

Check with your vet or a pet store for a "rake" for your cat. We have had long hair cats for 15 years and they love to be groomed with the rake. And yes it looks like a rake with 3 rows of teeth/nails in it. A regular brush doesn't work anywhere near as well as the "rake" since it doesn't get down into the fur like the rake does.

The only hair cutting we do is to trim with scissors around their fanny because the long hair interferes with their bowel movements at times. We only do this because the vet told us it was okay to do.

Other than that, DONT cut your cats fur.

Hope this helps.

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

You shouldn"t be shaving your cat---thats what persians are known for, their long fur. If you shave it, it will look ridiculous. Try brushing your cat gently, that will help the shedding.

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

I would think that you would want to keep your cats fur in tact for the he will stay warm. Get a good cat brush and brush him once or twice a week to get rid of the excess fur.

If you decide to shave him in warmer weather, take him to a professional groomer.

Cutting my cats hair, need a good machine?

my cat's not a persian, but he has thick, fine, fluffy hair that is IMPOSSIBLE to shave. I have tried the most expensive clippers wal mart carries, I'm just not willing to buy one at petco, they are 200 for the good ones that they use mostly for horses, but if you want one that will cut it, it'll run you over 100, so I'd just take him to a groomer. when I lived in Texas, I took him to the groomer my mom takes her dog to, they charge about $30, and he's good for about 6 months. That's probably your best bet, then you don't have to worry about cleaning up all that fur that will surely get tracked through your whole house.

Cutting my own hair?

23 y.o. male. I want professional grade clippers and need a suggestion on a mirror set up for the back, top, and neck. Thanks!!!

Cutting my own hair?

U Should NOT Cut UR "Own" hair at ANY Age; If you Value tHE WAY that U Look ! !

try or just get a CHEAP Supercuts haircut ! !

Cutting my own hair?

Be vewy vewy careful.....

Cutting my own hair?

Be very careful. You might keep cutting shorter and shorter to cover up mistakes. Soon you'll be shaving head. Then your head will itch when you try to regrow your hair and you'll shave to quit itching. Then you'll be bald all the time.

However, hair is overrated.

How can you get your wife to stop cutting her hair?

Well, I would ask why she gets her hair cut. I knew a woman that had incredibly short hair because she was so miserable with a controlling husband that getting a haircut was a valid excuse for getting out of the house for 45 minutes and having someone pamper her if for only a few minutes.

Men who envision their babe with long blonde flowing gorgeous locks should start out with that person in the first place instead of dream they turn into one and be frustrated when they don't. Some women are stylish, some are short on time and like short hair. Long hair is a hassle and takes time and isn't always most attractive on adult women.

Also, women only look 19 when they are 19 (that was a freebie).

Instead, maybe you can give her a foot massage and make dinner (in reverse order of course) - I know that would keep me at home!

Anytime you are frustrated with your spouse it's best to take a look in the mirror - are you so worthy of telling someone to cut or not cut their own hair and maybe do you need a haircut yourself?

Hmmmmmmm.......................imperfe... women are EVERYWHERE!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!!!

How can you get your wife to stop cutting her hair?

It's her hair...why should she stop cutting it if she likes it a certain way?

How can you get your wife to stop cutting her hair?

Tell her you think it's beautiful and sexy when it's long.

How can you get your wife to stop cutting her hair?

Give her an ultimatum lol jk

You can't make her do anything she doesn't want. I love getting haircuts...I feel refreshed..and gives me a confidence boost....maybe that's her reason.

If it really bothers you that much talk to her and let her know how you really feel.

How can you get your wife to stop cutting her hair?

Do you know how much of a hassle long hair can be?

It is a lot harder to care for than shorter hair.

My ex husband insisted on me never cutting my hair.

Maybe thats one of the reasons he's my ex!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

What is the best quality hair salon (for cutting and coloring) in Beijing City and where is the addr

I think the best one is Si Lian, which is on Wang Fu Jing Street. It has a history of over 50 years and has a very high reputation

What is the best quality hair salon (for cutting and coloring) in Beijing City and where is the address?

the salon name showing with pinyin character or chinesse character? Report It

What is the best quality hair salon (for cutting and coloring) in Beijing City and where is the address?

Chinese characters Report It

What is the best quality hair salon (for cutting and coloring) in Beijing City and where is the address?

well i don't know if you can read Chinese but if you can i guess the people on this site (the mainland China's version of Yahoo answers) would have a bigger chance to give you a better answer...

What is the best quality hair salon (for cutting and coloring) in Beijing City and where is the address?

Go to Toni %26amp; Guy,they have quite a few outlets in Beijing,but the one on Liangma lu in Sanlitun is the best.

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?


How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

by rubbing your hair with cow dung

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?


How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

Use a good deep conditioner and don't use a lot (or any) heat on it. Try to keep it as healthy as possible and brush it minimally.

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

wait for it to grow.

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

If your hair is curly/wavy, then you should straighten it, to get the maximum length (without cutting); and let it grow

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

dont think u can possibly do that without at least trimming it .. just trim a little bit say about an inch to get rid of the split ends.. it will grow faster back

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

you still need to get it cut or you will get split ends and damage your hair

you can still let it grow out even if you get it cut and getting it cut regularly helps it grow faster

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

i am also trying to grow my hair.. and people have told me that your hair may only grow so long, and not past a certain length...

anyway what i do to help it grow is braid it or put it in a pony tail.. keep it healthy also by washing and conditioning it regularly and combing it with a big tooth comb

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

well u can just let it grow but if u use any heat on it to style it then it's gonna need trimming every 6 to 8 weeks and it will grow longer (hairdresser)

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

IF U ARE WHITE USE THAT ERBAL ESSENCE shampoo [i spelled it wrong]

if you are black use dr.miricals hair treatment!!!

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

hair grows around 6 inches a year... you should try to increase that rate by smashing anticonceptive pills and mixing them in your shampoo... also try to drink some vitamins to accelerate the process...

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

well i don't know how to make it longer without cutting it, but you can get a trim so all your split ends and stuff are off, and then it will grow longer until it creates slip ends and stuff again it will start growing slower.

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

Really the fastest way to grow your hair is to just cut 1/2 to 1 inch at the new moon each month. And as tonight 12/21/06 is the new moon now would be the perfect time. If you were to cut your hair at the full moon then it would grow thicker but slower.

IF you insist on not cutting even a little bit then try MSM. It can be found at a health food store and has loads of benefits, one of which is strong rapid hair and nail growth.

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

here are some info for you:

Hair Growth Vitamins

Head Massage For Fast Hair Growth

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?


How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

u need 2 get ur ends trimmed to get the dead ends off to let the lively locks grow.

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

extentions, but make sure you get good ones, some look like rates tails in your hair!

Grow it by keeping it healthy, use a good conditioner.

Im affriad cutting it is important too. You need to get rid of those dead dry ends to make it grow better. Also if you dont it will look like a rates tail, really unkept and untidy. A trim is very important!

How can i make my hair longer without cutting it?

you have to trim your hair to prevent split ends. cutting it helps it grow faster. Or, get extensions

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

i recently finished my nvq level 2 in barbering at college but still dont feel confident,any tips or help?

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

Don't cut too short.. They always cut shorter than I asked.. if you left too much on then you can fix it.. but once you cut it too short it's too late.. you can't glue it back on..

also when it gets close to the neck hair should gradually get shorter and fade..

Offer free hair cuts to your friends and neighbor.

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

practice on your dad

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

Use scissors.

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

shave it

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

Grapes are fun!!

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

hold clippers in hand shave head, keep looking at yourself in the mirror and saying to the client that looks good on you. also make a point of talking about the last persons hair you done and how stingy they were with the tips. and finally to make you the best hair dresser make a point of reading agony aunt in the paper so you have alot to talk about while cutting there hair.

Any tips on cutting mens hair?


Any tips on cutting mens hair?

I'm a hairdresser, so I really feel for you. It's a lot of pressure, knowing people are watching your results! I guess the best advice is to keep at it, keep practicing, as much as possible. The more you do haircuts, the more the diagrams and written directions (in the textbook) make sense. It will come together in your mind after awhile, and that's when your confidence begins building. Talk to experienced barbers and stylists. Most of them will show you small techniques if you just ask, which saves you learning time. Ask them questions. My mentor tells people to bend their chin to their chest before she cuts a section at the back. Why? I asked. It gives a slight undercut, which makes the hair neatly turned under. See? It would have taken me awhile to figure that out myself. Please keep faith in yourself! No one is born knowing everything. Give yourself time. Work with supportive mentors as much as possible. You'll do fine! Good luck!

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

See if your local barbers will let u observe for a few days, offer your services for free maybe just shampooing hair in the barbers then u can observe, anyway I am a hairdresser if u can do barbering u are streets ahead much harder than general hairdressing BE CONFIDANT u can do it if u are at level 2.

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

Once you master the art of using your clippers and scissors over comb you will be fine , practise on your family , your confidence will come when you start doing more heads Ive been there ,

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

Make sure the basin is on level. LoL

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

Send him to the barbers, dont make him look stupid girl

Any tips on cutting mens hair?

Remember that if u cut it when it is wet that it wil get shorter when it dries so dont cut 2 much off.I made that mistake!