Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cutting my hair...?

I want to cut my hair its about mid backish but I don't want to cut TOO much off anyone knoe any cute haircut ideas?!?

Cutting my hair...?

you should cut off like 5 or 6 inches and layer it

Cutting my hair...?

Mid back is way too long. It does you no good at that length, especially if it's all to that length. Worst thing possible.

Once you hair is hanging lower than your jawline, it does nothing for your face anymore. Even a few wisps of bangs, or shorter wisps at cheek level is better, although can look silly with really long hair.

If you have very long hair, and still want to keep that length, you can get it layered properly (and this is not easy to do) so that you have all the length, but have all those shorter lengths around the face. It needs to be done professionally to look right. It also looks best (and reallly sexy) if it is curled softtly (and not with a perm please!).

Your best bet is to consult with a professional. Don't get it cut; just get his/her opinion. Go to a couple of them. Take your time with this decision. But it's only hair, and it will grow back. Why not have some fun with different lengths? Life is too short to be a slave to 'ong hair' for no good reason, and not look your best.

Cutting my hair....need ideas?

ive cut it many times, but im dying it black this weekend and i want a cute haircut to go with it, something a teen would like, i am almost 16. but right now my hair is like to my shouders, or a little above my shoulders. so if anyone has any link of cute haircuts that would be awesome

my hair is naturally...wavy..but i like to straighten it. im into the punk/skater/emo look if it helps at all

Cutting my hair....need ideas?

Well your hair sounds alot like mine. I got a razor cut, so all the ends are really pieces and messy looking. Ask them to "channel" the ends and do it with a razor and thinning shears. I really like the cut and its easy to style. Also get the back shorter and "choppy", leave longer pieces in the front. Maybe take about 2 inches off.

Hope this helps. Good luck. : )

Cutting my hair....need ideas?

justhairstyles (type it in google)

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

simple. you can't. sorry o.o;;

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

try baby oil or veg oil and comb gently from bottom to top and may take awhile but if you want them out it will be worth in baby oil in a spray bottle works the best.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

i dunno i thought there was no other way and you had to shave your head..

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

it depends on whether they're done right or not - if they've been done right, you still have a chance to entangle them, if not, you have to cut them ....

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

U cant! u should have researched that b4 u got the dread locks.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

Try this website. It says that it will take a long time but they can be removed. Good luck. Sounds like a long process.

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

You can't get dreads out of your hair without cutting them out. Now if your hair is simply tangled then you can try a conditioner and attempt to comb through it... but more than likely you will have to cut it. Hair grows back so try not to be too upset about it. Good luck

How do you get dread locks,or big wadded tangles out of your hair w/out cutting it????

Well what is it that you have? Dreads you have to cut. Wadded tangles can be carefully combed out with baby oil and conditioner mixed together. AND a lot of patience. Good luck.

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

one my hair dye turned a bad color so how do i strip it out w/o making the nutrients my hair needs come out,and two my hair needs to grow long fast but not overnight anything thats safe for me to use?

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

DO NOT strip your hair!

I died my hair %26amp; it turned out Bozo the clown ORANGE!!!!

I asked a hair dresser for a quick fix since it was after hours %26amp; she suggested to buy a toner with no alcohol %26amp; no .... something else. Go to your local Beauty Supply Store %26amp; ask what the best pruduct to "tone" you hair with the least amout of damage. Check the ingredience %26amp; aske her if the could inform you on what ingredience to look for to be sure it's the lease damaging.

I toned mine with Two Medium ash browns %26amp; one Medium Natural brown. My hair was almost black at first but it lightened up. If you want to go lighter or blond you will have to have it striped but wait at LEAST one month before you have it striped %26amp; only trust a hair color specialist if you want you hair to look normal any time soon.

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

I am a hairdresser and I really believe to get the best results, you need to have it professionally done. A stylist will take better care of your hair and have the professional tools that are needed. As far as growing, the health food stores have some great vitamins that will aid in growth.

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

Hi, Im a student in the field of cosmetology,

Nothing can really make your hair grow longer. Ive looked. But there are things you can do to help it.

One thing is that if you straighten or use irons on your hair, like myself, deep condition your hair ALOT! I do it two to three times a week! Even if you dont have a deep conditioner you can use regular conditioner on your hair for an hour or more, this also works nicely. My hair became really strong after this.

Vitamins help too! Take a multivitamin and a vitamin B-complex.

Do not color your hair alot! It weakens your hair causing it to snap off. If you do need to though, dont forget to condition, condition, condition!!! Dont forget bleaching! That is one of the worste things you could do!!

Cutting your hair doesnt make it grow faster!!! All that does is remove the split ends.

Massage your scalp regularly, this helps with growth!! It helps circulate blood flow in the scalp, with premotes hair growth.

Hope this information was helpful :)

A way to strip out dye and make your hair grow fast besides cutting it?

either use a hair color remover kit,or go to a salon and ask them

Cutting my hair extensions short myself?

hi, i want to cut my hair extensions short myself (i cant afford to go to a salon right now) im going to cut it like sarah hardings from girls aloud(but slightly longer),any tips/advise? please answer, thanks! :) x

Cutting my hair extensions short myself?


What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

To cleanse/purge herself from all of her problems. As it is impossible to do so internally a lot of people, not just women, shave their head for this reason. (I have done it myself during alcohol rehab).

It is similar reaction to, but far preferable to self harming.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

That she doesn't like her hair.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

any reason that drives her nuts she is allowed to cut her hair

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Hair in all societies is associated with beauty.....take it from there..

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

It might signify a new begining for her. A lot of women cut their hair after a life changing event : birth of a baby, divorce, etc.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Some women see their hair as a symbol of their feminity. There may be many reasons, but it could be a feminist thing or a depression thing.

However, maybe it's just a drastic haircut.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

I go through periods of depression from time to time %26amp; I generally have my hair cut short when I'm approaching the end stages of that particular depression. Because I feel ugly, invisible, angry at myself %26amp; my self esteem is low I have my hair cut short as a defense mechanism. I feel a bit more "kick ar5e" when it's short, if that makes sense, lol. My personality is angry %26amp; defensive when I'm coming out of a depression %26amp; I think my hair reflects that. The only drawback is having to bloody grow it back, lol. I'm growing it again now %26amp; it drives me nuts. 閳?br>What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

to get rid of the negative vibes that are perceived to surround her.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Maybe she needs a change in herself, perhaps the desire to look like an attractive person with short hair (model, mentor, rival, etc), the need to look tougher or more masculine for whatever reason (job, etc), fear of harm due to hair being long, (many rape preventists recommend not wearing your hair long, machinery at work, etc), donation (Locks of Love), self mutalation, rebellion, or maybe she just likes it

Other reasons that could be partly psychological and part practical include ease of care, headaches (hair gets heavy), infestation of lice, looks (split ends, uneven growth), and others

For any person, particulary one who has had long hair for a long time, cutting hair can be a deeply personal matter involving much emotion and consideration. Hair style is an expression of who we are and often the class or status we wish to be associated with. There can be many reason behind a drastic cut. If you are worries it amy signify an emotional issue, talk with the person or someones close to them about your concerns.

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

A great need for change, escape from the present situation, boredom...

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

do u mean all of it?

if so then maybe she's going through a rough time or feeling unattractive otherwise maybe she jus wanted too?????

i've studied psychology for 2 and a half years and there is no psychological reason 4 this

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

one reason could be, the feminist side of things. many woman view the world as still a very manly place,and may feel that to fully suceed in this "man-ran" world,they must appear the same, and "toughen up".

woman tend to be generally seen as weaker then men, and long hair is traditionally a womans trademark, so possibly, by cutting her hair off,it may symbolise her adapting to a patriacol society.


she may just not care to spend lots of money on hair products anymore hehehe =)

What psychological reasons might a woman have for cutting off her hair?

Several reasons, but it depends on the person. She could be cutting it off as a new beginning, or as cutting away her old self!

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

i have long hair and i just permed it but i want 2 texturize it and make it curly without cutting it .. how can i do that ?

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

First you need to wet your hair. Get it damp, but not completely totally wet. I take shower and let it air-dry a little before I start fixing my hair.

Then you will need some mousse. I use Matrix Biolage Mousse stuff, but I'm sure other stuff will work.

Squirt a blob of it on your hand and rub your hands together until most of the foam isn't foamy anymore, but not totally liquid.

Run your hands and fingers throught your hair and scrunch. If you blow-dry your hair, Scrunch while drying. If you air-dry scrunch every once in a while.

Now get some gel, mostly any kind will work, and put it lightly on your hair when it is like halfway dry.

Hope this helps!!!---kelly/sticky notes

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

use roller to curl your hair or just use a curling iron which ever is quicker to you

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

use a currling iron

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

Get a perm ?use curlers?Hot rollers?

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

get a curler that has real ceramic plates those work the best. or after you take a shower get curlers and let dry.

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

Use hair rollers at night. Or you need to use a styling product and then you use an iron. The styling product helps keep the curl in and it wont damage your hair. I have long hair as well and that is what I do and my hair looks great.

Good Luck

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

GHD's curl your hair really well!! I'd definitley recommend that, hope it turns out well! =)

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

you can use a texturizer or a curl activator creme, you can also get a staw set, but get them extra tiny and it will turn out reallly pretty- medium straw sets are really pretty too, so it's really up to your style......good luck!!!!

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

use iron curlers!!! nicky clarkes are great

How can i make my hair curly without cutting it ?

Use a curling iron duhh......